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My name isn't important.

A name is just like a placeholder for the person you are or will be or want to be.

It's something that could be easily changed too.

One moment, it could be Kim and the next, a Choi.

That's what I thought at least.

"Hey. Why are you laying down in the middle of the road? That's dangerous," he had said to me as I realised I was staring up at the endlessly dark sky. My eyes shifted towards the male leaning forward to look down at me. My first reaction was to smile as if my body knew that was what to do when faced with a person.

"No reason," I replied, voice filled with a cheeky mischievous tone. The male quirked a brow before holding a hand out.

"You'll catch a cold if you lay here."

A cold.

I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a black trench coat with a pair of skinny jeans. In my left hand was a cane. Confused by my own appearance, I decided to just sit up by myself as he moved away to give me space. I looked at him and studied his clothes. A red padded jacket with silly glasses to boot.

"What are you? Some kind of nerd?" I chuckled and he crossed his arms.

"Is that any way to talk to someone who was trying to help you?" he retorted back before sighing and walking away. I stared at the red padded back and wondered what kind of idiot wears something like that anyway. It was way too gauche. I got up from the road and patted my coat, twirling the cane in my hand naturally as if it had been with me the entire time. Or had it?

Shrugging off the thoughts, I walked the same path as the red padded male. My destination was unknown but all I knew was that I had to move. I had to keep going.

Or not.

Flashes of light made my eyes squint before I realised a seemingly out of control truck was charging in our direction. My hand reacted before my mind even thought about it. I lifted the cane in my hand and hooked the padded jacket's hoodie, pulling the male back instantly before the truck crashed before our eyes. He stumbled onto the ground with a groan whilst I stood there in front of the destruction.

I didn't think much about it at first but then I realised something else.

I couldn't feel the wind.

I couldn't feel the cold.

I couldn't feel the beating in my chest.

I turned to look at the fallen male who was slowly getting up, face filled with dread and relief. I tilted my head, finding a familiar feeling grip me instead. As if I've seen something like this before, I laughed at it. Joked. Teased. My head gave me a sharp sting at that moment and I flinched, pulling myself together.

"You saved my life," the male said. I blinked and my head spun for a moment before I nodded and placed the cane on my shoulder casually.

"Yep, sure did," I said and sighed before turning to the truck. Well, there had to be a driver, right? "Maybe we should call an ambulance for the poor chap."

"Ah. I'll do it," he said and hurriedly took his phone out. I swung the cane and hopped to the truck, checking out the driver seat.

Something within me ran cold as I stared at the brownish red head male in the car seat. A lighter in his hand.

"Huh? Mister?"

Minhyun looked around the area, confused as the male from earlier had suddenly disappeared while he stood there with his phone in his hand after calling the ambulance. He froze momentarily when he realised what had just happened. The car accident, the male in the black trench coat. One of the things he feared most happening just happened without him realising.

My NAME : WHOWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt