Who (5)

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"Ugh... Hah.... Hah.... Hmmm?"

Minhyun coughed a little, uncertain what he was looking at as he stared upwards. He still felt the tight feeling around his throat only to start feeling more aware that he was still being strangled but not by other hands. They were his own. He groaned as there was a rope tied around his hands leading up to his neck, making it difficult to breathe as he moved and tried to free himself. He coughed more and finally stopped when he realised he was just making things worse for himself. He tried to steady his breathing instead but it was difficult. He couldn't move his legs either since they were wrapped around the chair he was sitting on.

What was going on? Where was he? How did he end up like this?

A sharp creaking sound like metal scraping together made his senses more alert as he tried to look down. He could barely see the figure walking towards him but once it was close enough, he couldn't see the person's face since he had a gas mask on with goggles as well. Was this the person who abducted him and put him in this situation? Why? What had he done? Minhyun thought he never made actual enemies out of people, not even Tae In would go this far just to stop him from getting employee of the year so why? Was it the papers he stole? Did someone find out that he took it and they were here to threaten him? He didn't know at all.

"Where is he?" the masked man spoke in a muffled voice.

"Hngg.... Huh?"

"Don't play around with me. Where is Woodz?!"

That wasn't what Minhyun thought he was going to ask. All these.... Just to ask him about Woodz?

"I... I don't know," Minhyun answered honestly. That ghost could be anywhere now. Wait. No, that's not the point. Who is this and why does he know Woodz's name and more importantly, how did he know that Minhyun knew him? Minhyun wrecked his brains hard but couldn't think properly, not when his head was spinning and his throat was still constricted.

"Did you kill him? Is that why he's missing?"


"Are you going to kill me like you killed him?"

"I... I don't know... What you're... Talking about," Minhyun wheezed painfully, trying his best to reply the angry sounding person. Someone save him... Help him... Minhyun's eyes were already getting teary from the pain.

"Don't lie to me! Answer me. What did you do to Woodz?!"

"I really... Don't know... I didn't... Do anything," Minhyun wailed, struggling slightly as the person had walked closer to him. Despite the rather small stature he seemed to have, all Minhyun could think at that point was how scary everything seemed. He was just a normal everyday person who could see ghosts. That was the most he could do. How did he end up like this?

"Who sent you?"

"No... One..."

"Who hired you?!"

"No...guh-" Minhyun choked as the person held the rope behind his neck and tugged on it.

"Keep lying and you'll face the consequences."

"Hah- hah-"

"I'll ask you one last time. Who hired you?"

"No one...," Minhyun managed to squeeze out and even with the mask on, Minhyun knew his reply had angered the other. He let the rope go and Minhyun wheezed, still unable to breathe in enough oxygen to fill his pounding lungs. His tongue was starting to dry up and his chest tightened painfully. Ah, how familiar this pain was. He was starting to black out again but retained his consciousness when he heard a metallic clang followed by a hiss. He couldn't see what was going on but he didn't need to when he could smell gas filling in his already squeezed lungs. Was he going to die here? Killed by some lunatic for something he didn't know? Why Woodz? Was Woodz really dead? He was, he had to be so....

My NAME : WHOOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant