Who (2)

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"You asked for my name, didn't you?" I said while holding onto the cane tightly but making sure my voice sounded as confident as I could get it to be.

"That's just a made up name you made on the spot, isn't it?" he said and I shook my head.

"As much as I would love to just lie and give you a name randomly, I know this name Woodz has meaning to me."

He seemed conflicted for a moment before sighing and shook his head.

"Look... In the end... You're still dead. There's really... Nothing I can do. I don't know anything about you and the chances of you remembering anything is so slim... That it might as well not happen... Plus... You being here... It just means you have lingering regrets which I can't possibly help you with since... I have my own life to live too. Please understand," he said sincerely and I almost felt guilty for wanting to ask for his help more but like he said, I had lingering regrets and those feeling started pulling me in all kinds of directions which I hated.

I needed to know.

I need to remember.

There's something important.

I know it.

Something that I must do.

Even if I don't know who I am.

"You can leave tomorrow... Rest up on my couch... If ghosts even need rest...," he said. I guess he must have thought I seemed pitiful with nowhere to go right now. I let him walk to his room without stopping him since I know persuading him would be difficult right now. I have nothing substantial either and he was right about not having any memories to work with. I sat down on the couch, wondering if ghosts could actually just sit on things if they are able to phase through thins as well. It was an odd train of thought but one that distracted me long enough for me to not feel the weight of my existence.





"Huh? You're still here?"

I opened my eyes and looked at the male all dressed up professionally. Instantly, it seemed to click in my head that he was a regular office worker ready to head to work for the day.

"Not like I have anywhere else to go, right?" I replied with a grin and he pursed his lips uncomfortably.

"You're still a ghost, you know..."

"And you're the only one I can talk to."

"I get it but... Oh well, as long as you don't create any trouble for me."

"Now what does that mean?" I chuckled and got up, hopping to his side and making circles around him on purpose while he chose to ignore me. "Do you see ghosts like all the time?"

"If I only see them when I choose to, I wouldn't have approached you, would I?" he replied while opening the microwave to take out the heated food pack.

"That's true... So what are other ghosts like?"

"Hmm?" He quirked his brow at me as he poured out the steaming food into a plate, taking a sit to eat. "Not usually like you...."

"Really? How so?" I asked while hopping onto the table and sitting on the edge. I was pretty amused that the table didn't make a single creaking noise which could only mean I didn't put any pressure on it hence being a weightless being.

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