Who (6)

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Water was cold.

But water in the winter was freezing.

He knew that... By heart.

From the tips of his fingers to the deepest parts of his heart.

Water was cold.

So very cold.

Like the clutches of death itself.

Baekho gasped as he found the location along with the police. He hurried to the cargo container and unlatched it, having followed the trail of the smell. He pulled the door open and couldn't even afford to gasp again as the stench filled his nostrils. He hurriedly hopped onto the container and made his way to Minhyun who had passed out in the end.

"Minhyun!" He noticed the ropes and tapes, hurriedly untying him along with the police's help before dragging him out from the container. Once they were out in the fresh air, he pressed his ear down on Minhyun's chest and breathed a small sigh of relief as he heard his heartbeat. Soft but still there. He turned back, about to say something when he saw a figure in the container not belonging to any police officer. Feeling anger burn under his skin, he hopped up into the container again and looked around.

"Who is it?! Where are you hiding?" he snapped at thin air, glaring around the container. He picked up Minhyun's bag and phone which he just noticed, still looking around in confusion. There was no one inside so who did he just see standing there? He got out and followed the police driving Minhyun to the hospital. He clutched his hand and frowned, wondering how did his seemingly peace loving boyfriend end up in such a situation? He wasn't even sure where to direct his anger towards or why he was so angry in the first place but one thing for sure, he never wanted to see such harm come to Minhyun ever again.

He knew how cold water was like.

Because he had drowned in it before.

He had drowned before.

He had drowned.



Minhyun gasped for air sharply, feeling his body lift up as if he couldn't breathe enough to fill his lungs. He coughed and choked as it hurt to breathe that hard. His outstretched hand was met with another warm gentle hand. He looked at Baekho who stood there, eyes wide with worry and relief. His gaze shifted to the other motion in the room. Woodz.

And then he blacked out again.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed but when he opened his eyes again, it was already dark. Baekho laid his head beside him while staying seated. Minhyun wondered how long the other had been there but just as important, he searched the room for the ghost who was slowly approaching him as well.

"Min... Hyun..."

"Hmmm..." Minhyun stared at the ghost. Now he could tell what was so different about him. His entire look was different. No long mullet with a black coat. He had a short cut with a knitted sweater that was ripping in certain areas. It made the tall ghost almost look meek and small with how his sleeves were covering half of his clasped hands as well. Staring at him with puppy eyes instead of the usual mischievous gaze. Minhyun wondered if he was looking at the same person but he recognised his face. It was the same and yet somehow different. He looked much more cowardly? No, maybe just more innocent and naive looking. "Who... Are you?"

He wasn't certain why that was the question he decided to ask but seeing how the ghost squeaked and pursed his lips made him seriously wonder if this was the same ghost he had been stuck with for awhile now.

"I'm W-....um... No... That's not... I'm... I'm just relieved that you're safe... Uh...," he muttered nervously, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. "I'm glad you're okay.... And I'm... I'm so sorry..."

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