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Season 3, Episode 11

Six Days (Part 1 of 2)

Six Days (Part 1 of 2)

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- Six -

"One second!" Laura called as she rushed two put on her sweater. While doing her morning routine, she'd been interrupted by someone knocking on the door. 

Reaching the door, she opened it and came face-to-face with Luke.

"Holy shit!" she excitedly flung her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. He laughed happily and held her tightly.

"Hi Laura," he muttered against her neck.

She pulled back, still in his arms and looked at his face, just taking him in for a moment and basking in the moment. "What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming to Seattle."

"I wanted to surprise you," he told her, brushing some hair out of her face.

"Well, color me surprised," she grinned happily and pressed a kiss to his lips. Then she proceeded to place quick kisses all over his face, making him chuckle and blush lightly. 

He placed her back on the floor and handed her a bouquet of pretty spring flowers in several different colors that she hadn't noticed. "For you."

"Thank you," she smiled appreciatively and took the flowers. "Come in, come in," she ushered him into the apartment and when his jacket was removed, she pulled him into another tight hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," he breathed.


"How's Burke doing?" Meredith asked Cristina as they were doing rounds with Bailey. 

"I don't know," Cristina answered disinterestedly.

"She doesn't know," George repeated to Izzie, slightly taken aback by Cristina not knowing how her boyfriend was doing.

"He just had surgery yesterday and you don't know how he's doing?" Alex questioned.

"It's Cristina and Burke, are you surprised?" Laura raised an eyebrow at him.

"They're not speaking," Meredith clarified.

"I thought they made up," Izzie shot in.

"They did, sort of."

"But she's still not speaking to him?"

"He's not speaking to me," Cristina cut in.

"You're not speaking to him either," Laura told her.

"They're not speaking to each other," Meredith clarified.

"Okay," Izzie said, fed up with the conversation. She didn't understand why they couldn't talk to each other, but could see she wasn't getting anywhere with her questions.

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