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Season 2, Episode 3

Make Me Lose Control

Make Me Lose Control

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Cristina, Meredith, George and Laura watched Izzie and Alex laughing together from afar.

"What is she doing?" Cristina furrowed her brows as she saw Izzie giggle.

"She's hanging out with Alex," George said slowly, none of them taking their eyes off the scene.


"I don't know. I think... think they, uh, might be friends." They were quiet for a moment, before George whispered, "Make the lambs stop screaming," and the three women looked at him in concern.

Not long after, the interns, minus Alex, walked through the hallway as Izzie was trying to explain and defend herself.

"You guys are wrong about him. Once you get to know him, he's really sweet. Laura, tell them."

"Mm-mm," she shook her head. "He's not sweet, he's just..." she shrugged, "Alex."

"Exactly, he's Alex," George agreed.

"Punk-ass," Cristina said.

"Hey, Grey, Izzie was telling me about the tapes of your mom performing surgery," Alex, who'd been walking ahead, turned to say. "I'd kill to see the Ellis Grey in action."

"Hey, you know what? Maybe you two can come over tonight and we can all watch it together, right?" Izzie invited.

"Oh, yeah, if this were a hell dimension," Meredith agreed sarcastically.

Laura leaned closer to her. "I actually wouldn't mind seeing those."

"You can come over, just don't invite Alex," she muttered back.

George stepped in front of Izzie, stopping her. "Do you have a thing for Alex?"


"Oh," Cristina looked at her, loving the gossip.

"I don't," Izzie continued to deny.

"Are we saving lives or having a tea party? Walk faster, people," Bailey yelled at them from up ahead, and they all moved to begin rounds.


"Kelly Roche, 23 years old, in for a scheduled E.T.S for treatment of erythrophobia with hyperplexia," Alex presented. 

"Erythrophobia?" Izzie asked Cristina who had her book out.

"Blushing," Laura told both of them before Cristina could answer.

"You have any questions about the procedure?" Bailey asked.

"Doctor..." she sighed, beginning to blush profusely and fan herself. "Dr. Shepherd explained everything. He was very... helpful. He gave me some litera... sorry," she said in embarrassment.

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