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Season 2, Episode 25-26

17 Seconds


Deterioration Of The Fight Or Flight Response

Deterioration Of The Fight Or Flight Response

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Cristina scoffed while watching Burke and Derek play darts from her place at the bar. "He's picturing my face. He's totally picturing that dart puncturing my scull."

Derek was up next after having sent an angry look at Meredith.

"Derek..." Izzie chuckled. "Derek is picturing you."

"He called me a whore. He lost the right to picture me," Meredith said.

"Cheers to that," Laura nodded.

"So I fall asleep during sex. So what?" Cristina looked back at the two playing darts. "Ass," she called to Burke.

"Ass," Meredith grumbled angrily.

"Oh! Ass! Hey!" Izzie greeted Alex.

He stopped next to Laura. "Well, well, Isobel Stevens has finally left the hospital. Does this mean heart patient dude finally kicked it?"

"I'm sorry. This section of the bar is for surgeons," she gestured to where they were sitting. "We don't socialize with gynecologists."

They laughed and Alex walked away. 

"George!" Izzie cheered when he took Alex's place, but her smile turned bitter when she saw Callie with him. "Hey."

"Hi, Callie," Meredith greeted her somewhat politely, but obviously didn't want her there.

"Hi, Dr. Torres," Cristina took a sip of her drink.

Laura scoffed. She didn't get why they were being so bitchy towards her. She didn't know Callie yet so she didn't like her particularly much, but she had nothing against the woman. There was no need to be mean.

"Hi, Callie," Laura gave her a small smile. Trying to at least be friendly. "How are you?"

Callie, whose smile had gone away after the others' greeting, put on a new one again, though not as bright as it had been. "I'm good, Laura, thank you."


Laura sat with Derek in the room next to CT, looking at Kendras scans.

When George walked in, Derek spoke up.

"Can you imagine? You're at work, you're doing your job and somebody comes in and shoots you. Just... puts a bullet in your head."

"No," Laura sighed thoughtfully. 

"She's nineteen years old," Derek shook his head sadly.

"I called her parents, they're on their way," George informed. "Also..."

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