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Season 3, Episode 4

What I Am

What I Am

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"When's Puppy-Eyes leaving?" Cristina asked as she and Laura walked into the hospital one morning.

"In two weeks," Laura sighed.

"Jeez," she muttered. "And you're staying here, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Good. You'd be an idiot if you left."

She scoffed. "Always a pleasure, Cristina."

"Oh, you know I'm right." They entered the hallway where the locker rooms were. "Are you guys breaking up?"

"No," she said, keeping her eyes forward and head high. She refused to let her relationship issues affect her work day. "We're making it work. This is a great opportunity for him and I'm not gonna stand in his way."

"Well that's big of you," Cristina noted. "So you guys are good?"

Laura pursed her lips. "We're trying... It's tense right now, but we're trying."

Cristina just nodded as they entered the locker room. Even thought she wanted her friend to be happy, she didn't think long distance was gonna work out for them and had a feeling that Laura was just putting off the inevitable. 

They changed quickly and ran to catch up with the others for rounds.

"Yang, Allen! You're late," Alex called when he saw them, trying to get them in trouble with Bailey.

"Hey, we got here before George," Cristina retaliated, after the two had snuck just in front of George to make it look like he got there after them. 

"I'm here. I was here," George defended himself.

"Nice of you to join us," Bailey noted dryly to the two interns.

Laura, not wanting to get in more trouble with the resident, didn't stop when Meredith and Cristina did. She just continued down the hall with the group.

They reached the first patients room.

"Shawn Sullivan, 62, minimally-invasive bypass surgery two days ago to remove a blockage from his LAD..." George presented.

"I'm all better now, thank you, George," the patient interrupted. "So, what do you think, Brenda?" he asked Bailey, using the wrong name which made Laura hide a smile. "Can I stop being a burden to you good people and head on home."

"You need to stop interrupting the doctors, Shawny," his wife scolded lightly. "You just need to listen to what they say."

"I need to get back to the dealership. They're gonna can me if I'm out too long."

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