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Season 2, Episode 6

Into You Like A Train

Into You Like A Train

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Cristina, Izzie, George and Laura were at Joe's, watching Meredith wait for Shepherd to show up after having given him an ultimatum: her or Addison. Luke had also joined them, after Laura had invited him.

"When you tell someone, 'I'll meet you later at a bar tonight', how long exactly does that mean you are supposed to wait?" Cristina asked, retrieving the dart arrows from the board and handing them to George.

"Not as long as she's been waiting," Luke answered, taking a sip from his beer with an arm thrown over Lauras shoulders. They'd been officially dating for a little while now and things were going well.

"Do you think he's really not coming?" George glanced over at Meredith warily.

"It is getting a little hard to watch," Izzie admitted.

"It was hard to watch an hour ago. Now it's just pathetic," Cristina pointed out.

"It's just sad," Laura frowned, looking at Meredith who turned to them.

She slammed her fist against the bar. "Who's pathetic and sad?"

The others exchanged looks at being caught. "What?" Cristina asked, acting clueless.

"You, who pretend to be my friends, are calling me pathetic and sad behind my back in front of my face." George subtly pointed at Cristina, and Luke frowned at her confusing choice of words. "Why don't you just dump the pigs blood on me now and get it over with?"

"Pigs blood?" Laura tilted her head in confusion.

They all looked at the door when the door bell jingled, only to be disappointed again when nurse Tyler walked in instead of who they'd been waiting for.

Before more could be said, beepers started going off in the entire bar. After all, Joes bar was a hotspot for anyone who worked at the hospital across the street.

"Sorry," Laura muttered to Luke, looking at her pager.

"Joe, turn up the TV," a man called.

"A massive train wreck occurred just outside of Seattle minutes ago," the newsperson said.

"911," Cristina stood up.

"We just worked a 30-hour shift," Izzie complained.

"I don't have any clean underwear," George realized.

"My legs are killing me," Laura groaned, being pulled to her feet by Luke, who helped her get her coat on.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" He handed her her bag.

"Yep," she nodded, giving him a kiss. "Bye," she smiled and left with the others, but not before waiting for Meredith to join them too.

"Bye," he sighed. He picked up his beer and moved over to the bar, to have a conversation with Joe. He felt a bit upset about Laura having to leave, but was also not surprised - doctors could be called away any time of the day, he'd seen that enough with Jack, his roommate. He just hated missing out on time with Laura when she already worked most of the time.

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