Shenron Arises! Goku reconciles with his Grandfather

Start from the beginning

Gohan scratched the back of his head in a sheepish manner, saying, "Oh yeah! I've known him for a few years now. I, uh, kind of forgot to mention that, didn't I? Hehehe!"

'...This guy's weird!' Both girls thought at the same time before following the hybrid to where his friends were.

Raising his arm in a small waving motion, Gohan greeted his family friends.

"Hey guys, I'm back with my friends!"

The other members of the Dragon Team acknowledged Gohan and two of his high school friends wholeheartedly, congratulating them each for their respected efforts in handling the invasion situation.

Dende walked up to Gohan and his friends. He turned to face his old friend.

Gohan nodded to his younger Namekian friend, saying, "Dende,"

"Welcome back, Gohan." Dende greeted, "I was watching the battle from here. You've gotten incredibly stronger since the Cell Games. Good job."

"Thanks, buddy."

Turning to the two high school girls, Dende lifted his left hand in a greeting fashion.

"You must be Erasa and Videl," The new Guardian of Earth.

'God knows our names!' The two teenage girls screamed in their mind.

"I've been observing you and your other friend for quite some time now. Greetings, my name is Dende."

Gohan and the others watched comedically as Videl and Erasa bowed humbly while giving the young Namekian respect.

"It's an honor to meet you, Kami-sama!"

The Dragon Team either chuckled or grinned in amusement at the sight. Meanwhile, Gohan and Dende glanced over at each other with weary smiles before they turned back to the girls.

"Dende then said, "...There's no need for such formalities. I'm still getting used to my role as Earth's Guardian. I'm not necessarily the deity that you people perceive me as."

Confused, Videl and Erasa stared at Gohan in hope of answers. But before he could answer, Piccolo stepped in for the half-Saiyan.

"To keep it brief, Dende is from my father's home planet. Goku brought him here to take the place of the previous Guardian of Earth. Our kind is still mortal and can pass at a certain age." Piccolo said with finality.

"Oh..." The two girls said, clearly more confused.

Videl then shot Gohan a "You've got some explaining to do later" glare, which Gohan flinched and swallowed hard.

Turning to Gohan, Piccolo said while pointing, "By the way, we have six of the seven Dragon Balls."

"Great! And if my guess is correct then all that we're missing is..."


Everyone turned behind them to the skies. It was Trunks and Goten, flying in their direction. The boys waved, with Goten holding an orb.

The four-star Dragon Ball.

When they landed Goten and Trunks came down and ran toward Gohan, telling him about all the robots that they destroyed. While Goten spoke about him outsmarting his opponents using his newly developed skills of flight, Trunks gushed over him recreating a scene from the action movie his mother allowed him to watch.

"Good job, squirts! If you keep at it like that, you two may go Super Saiyan someday." Gohan said proudly, ruffling their hair.

"Thanks, Big brother/Gohan!" The boys said.

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