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Jude and I walked down the stairs, arms linked almost deadly silent.

I finally spoke up, "Babe. Why the fuck are you so quiet?"
He shrugged and tightened our arm interlock, "Dunno actually, happy birthday though young one."

I laughed, "You're calling me a young one but doesn't that make you a cougar?"
He began laughing too, "Oh fuck!"

Jesse and Marcus raced past us and Jude groaned.

I pulled a confused look at Jude and he just smiled, "How's you're morning been bae?"
"Just good?"
I think I've some how blushed with my black self, "Brill."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The literal whole England team screamed once we rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs.

I let go of Jude's arm that I had been violently digging my nails into from the loud horror that was the England team.

I instantly let myself fly to Marcus.
"Happy birthday little sis! I love you and I'm so proud of all you've accomplished at only 18!"
"I love you Rashy."
"Love you more little Rashy."

"Do you want your presents now?" Gareth grinned walking out the kitchen with a big ole party hat on with the words, 'The Queens Birthday' on it.

Jude, Jadon and I failed miserably to hold in our laughter, "Uh yeah sure!" I managed to splutter out.

Eventually I pushed my ass through the gang of footballers and sat down on the kitchen island, legs crossed waiting for my presents. Jude sat on a chair next to me, Bukayo next to him with his lovely girlfriend on FaceTime, Jadon next to him and Raheem next to Jadon with Jesse and Hope on his lap.

Marcus sat next to me also on the island, "Sorry sis the hoes stole all the chairs and I'm not trying to stand."

Most of the boys had given me my gifts and they were things like shoes, clothes, food, jewellery and for some reason a bald cap from Harry Maguire. But I don't wanna talk about that.

I turned around now to my favourite boys. "Hey y'all!"

Hope squealed and ran into the living room. Jesse laughed, "I think she's gone to get your present give her a sec."

Eventually Hope came back with a big box about the size of her.

"Woah!" I say smiling at Hope, "What's this?"
"Open it!"

I opened the box and inside it was three Tiana princess dresses, "No way!" I gasped, I pulled one out seeing how small it was and I realised, two were very small.

Hope picked the two smalls ones up, climbing on the island wacking her dad in the face. "For you and Emerald and me!"

"There perfect thankyou Hope!" I gave her a hug and she decided she was gonna sit next to me now.
"Haha. You're daughter prefers me!" I stuck my tongue out at Jesse.

"Ah suck your mum!"
Jude gasped, "Child friendly language!"

Jesse flung a piece of paper at my head. "Oops..."
I picked up the paper reading, 'Kanye West Tickets-'

I flung myself off the island and ran to Jesse giving him a hug.
"Anything for my little sister."

"Oi?" Marcus questioned, "That's MY sister bro."
"OUR SISTER!" Jadon and Jesse declared.
Bukayo looked confused, "Oh fuck missed my que, you my sister too though."

Jadon and Bukayo both gave a gold ring that had the words, 'Non-Blood Siblings' in my mums handwriting. Almost cried at that not even gonna lie.

Then it was Jude's turn, "I really didn't know what to get you..." He grinned, "I know for you it's not about the money or the looks it's about what the gift means sentimentally." Jude stood up from his chair and grabbed my hands.

I smiled confused. Where is he going with this.

"Amethyst I've loved you since we met at the England's under-16 at 15. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I can't imagine myself with anyone else- ever. I promise I'll always love you and I'll always care for you."

Ouu my eyes sweating.

He pulled a gold ring out his back pocket.

He pulled a gold ring out his back pocket

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"Don't worry I'm not gonna propose. Yet. But I want to give you this promise ring and promise I'll give you a wedding ring one day."

I didn't even speak and stuck out both my hands, small tears built up in my eyes. "What hand does
it go on?"

"Uhm..." Jude turned to face the lads.
They all shrugged but Bukayo for some reason knew, "Left."

Jude and I nodded and he slipped it on my ring finger and kissed my hand.

"I love you." I whispered pulling him into my embrace.
"I love you too, and I got you tickets to see Beyonce."
I truly cried at the Beyonce bit.

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