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I was sat in the kitchen with my future husband of course eating pickles.

"Pickles are actually rank." Jude tutted.

I quickly spat back, "You're rank."

I chewed my pickle loudly, "Bussing, can we go live on your instagram?" I grinned.

Jude grabbed his phone. "Yeah! I don't think I've ever gone live..."

"Nah rememeber you went live by accident on the bench of a Dortmund match!"

He groaned, "Nah that was so embarrassing now there's just a screenshot of me discombobulated staring at my phone like the loch ness monster!"

"Shh bae, you looked kinda sexy." I nodded taking another bite of pickle, covering my mouth to talk. "Not that you don't always look sexy."

"Yeah I know." The cocky shit smirked, ready to go live.

"Bro shut up and go live."

He kissed his teeth loudly sighing, "I'm bae not bro."

"How do I see if I'm live or not?" He questioned confused. Aww, he looks so cute when he's confused.

"It's says live at the top." I informed, finishing yet another pickle.

He nodded, "Yeah it says live but I can't see any comments."

I looked over his shoulder, this guys so dumb man. "Jude you're live."

"Oh..." He looked away from the camera pulling an awkward face.

@lillyjadee: Awww Jude's too cute!

@bukayosaka: No way is that Mr Bellingham live?

@444.jaylaa: 😂😂😂

@kaydzz2ids: Baller

@ilykhayrayballs: LMAO


"Hi!" I smiled peeking into the frame. "What's new with you lot?"

Jude finally got over his embarrassment and was back in the frame, he draped his arm over my shoulders pulling me closer to him. Probably to ease nerves.

@sexyunkownyute:  My girl cheated on me but I really love her and don't want to leave her because she means so much to me and she's always there for me.

Jude gasped, "Bro... That's deep."

I nodded. "How did she cheat and who with?"

@sexyunkownyute:  With my breadrin for the past 2 months, caught him leaving her yard and called her and she told me but she was crying and lied at first.

"Shit." I mouthed.

Jude spoke up, "With a breadrin too AND for months!" He shrugged,  "At the end of the day it's your life bro but she did it for two months AND lied at first. Personally I wouldn't have it."

@wavycc: My mum saw a video of me giving a wine at a party. She on her way home. Help.

"Dang you all need help!" Jude laughed

I tried to hold in my laughter and I elbowed Ju to stop laughing. "It's age innit, if you're like 13 then firstly why are you giving out wines and you're mum will deep that. If you're older then it is what it is. Oh was it a dirty wine or a boring wine?"

@wavycc: I'm 15 i turn 16  day after tomorrow but it was a pretty dirty wine like he controlled me and shi, my mum has met him like twice he's my boo of  3 months

"Uhm if you got a strict marj pray, otherwise I reckon she'll get over it if you talk well." Jude proposed.

"He smart." I smirked.

"I GOT  6 AND 7s FOR GCSEs!" Jude announced.

I clapped. "I got 7,8,9s." I smirked.

"You were a goody too shoes!"

I raised my brow.

Jude shook his head. "Joking."

@lameloball: The way he changed his mind😂

@kaaatielee: 💀

@ohnosharky: THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER

@ohnosharky: DOWN BAD MY BRO


Jude and I read Jobe's comment.

"Uhm...Anyway." I mumbled

"Jobe you ain't gotta worry about that cause you don't get 'hooha' at all!" Jude cackled


"Did you like your first live?" I asked Jude once he ended it.

"Loved it but your elbows on my dick."


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