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Jude and I were minding our own business, we just got into bed at 10.30PM considering we had a match tomorrow. Until Jude's phone began to ring loudly. I heard him groan and release me from his grasp and decline the call, not checking the caller ID. 

The second he turned away from the phone it dinged and rang again. This time Ju grabbed his phone, me being the nosy bitch I am, I peaked over his shoulder.

Lil Jobe

Answer ur phone u knob 

"Guess you should answer the phone." I whispered tiredly, laying back down on his chest.

He answered and his face instantly frowned. I picked up the phone so we could both see it.


 On the phone was a red eyed, crying Jobe. I looked at Jude, who seemed just as confused as I was. Naturally, I spoke up,

"Hey Jobes, what's up?" I asked politely not wanting him to rage or sum.

He sniffled, "She broke up with me."

Jude spoke this time. "Oh shit, why?"

"I ain't shit."

"I mean..." I whispered. Catching Jobe's annoyed glare I changed what I was saying. "UHM so maybe you should apologise, call her. If they don't answer message them a long ass paragraph. No matter what you are taking yourself to go see them tomorrow morning, yeah?"

"Trust me, it works." Jude spoke up caressing my hair, "I do it with Ame."

I pulled a stank face at him. Damn Jobe's ex is right, the Bellingham's ain't shit.
Jobe nodded, "You is a smart queen." He blew his nose, "Man I love her."

Jude and I exchanged shocked loves both spluttering out, "Love?!"

"Yeah bro!" He carried on, "She's perfect, she's everything I want in a girl ." He breathed out. "Bye yall."

"Oh." Jobe hung up.

"Intresting..." Jude muttered throwing himself onto me and settling his head on my boobs, "Night bae."

"Night pretty boy."

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