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       I sat down on the porch's stairs as I began watching cars pass, people rushing to their destinations, and other things. I noticed a black SUV parked at the end of the street and I saw a man walk towards my house. When he came closer, I didn't notice him until he spoke before I realized that he was the man named Fabio who kidnapped me and tortured me. He had a scar on one arm. I stood immediately to get in when he yelled
"Izzabelle I come in peace," he said and I froze and turned to face him. I became scared. Maybe he wanted to kidnap me again or do something worst this time.
"What do you want Fabio?" I asked almost scared and he wasn't surprised.
"How about we talk?" he smirked and it sent down chills behind my back
"There's nothing to talk about Fabio," I said almost aggressively and he came closer again making my breath hitch
"I don't like wasting time Bellisima so how about I go straight to the point," he said and I swear I couldn't hear my heartbeat. I don't know why I was this scared of him.
"I know that you and Cicero aren't on the best terms because he hurt you and you want to get back at him." he smiled "There's a perfect way you could get back at him by joining my mafia" he finished and I scoffed at him.

   What did he think, that I'm just going to give in like that??

"I'm so sorry that will never happen" I rushed and he chuckled "I might be angry at him but I will never go against him for you-" I didn't even finish when Fabio grabbed my wrist and turned me around and my back was faced to him. He turned my wrist behind me and it hurt like a thousand demons. I winced. He buried his face in my neck as I shuddered
"Now I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. If you want to live, you're gonna have to go against him and I give you just two days Mí amorè " he whispered as he increased the pain and I had to nod before he left me
"So I'll be back to receive your response" he smiled as he left. He left me with a bruised wrist.

     What just happened??

K.......... K......... K........... K............ K........ K

'Belle! Belle! Please..... Please forgive me. I know I wronged you Belle and I want to make amends. I can't do without you and I know you can't do too. Belle! Belle! Belle! '

  "Izzy? Hello? Anyone home?"

  Sweat trickled down my forehead as I got up from sleep with myself panting seriously

"Izzy?" the voice sounded a lot like Andrea's. What was she doing here? I rose quickly and rushed to the door. I opened it and it revealed a pale Andrea
"Izzy!" she hugged me tightly. I ushered her in. I offered her a cup of coffee
"I know I'm not supposed to be here but Izzy please come back. Izzy please" pity filled my heart as I stared at her
"Cero has been a mess trust me. Since ma died, the flower shop got burnt and grandma was killed too and we've been in distress"
"Grandma?" I was aghast as she nodded
"Cero ran after her when she left the house strangely but he couldn't save her when Sylvesto killed her" she finally burst into tears. I sat gingerly by her side to comfort her
"Look I'm sorry on Cero's behalf I know he shouldn't have done what he did but trust me Izzy he needs you. We need you" she finished and I felt my chest tighten
"I-I'll think about it," I said as I stared at her. She woke up and I stood up too. She hugged me much longer this time
"Ever since you left, it's been a mess back home," she said as she walked away.

   I felt really bad for them. I had the urge to call Cicero and tell him everything was alright. I picked up my phone quickly to call Cicero. He didn't pick up any of my calls. I got my purse and ran quickly out of the house to Cicero's mansion. I wasn't forgiving him because of what he was going through but because I loved him.

  I reached the mansion and the atmosphere was melancholic. I felt it right in my chest. I got in and it look like no one was home. I almost gave up when I checked everywhere and didn't see Cicero.
  I hadn't checked his study and that was the last place. I ran quickly as every minute mattered. I threw the door open as I saw Cicero's head down. His study was very messy, he had empty bottles of whisky emptied on the desk.

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