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   It has been one whole week now and I haven't found nor seen Belle. I know that she has all the right to get angry with me because of what I put her through. She found out that I messed with her but I can't let her slip off now that I know that I love her.

   Leo had helped me get Dice and Giovanni hostage and it was so pricking when I found out that both of them had planned the video scenario at the party. I was going to starve them both from water and food till they die. On the other hand, grandma and Andrea were disappointed in me. I didn't have what to tell them because I was speechless.

  I got myself worked up as I had complications in my mafia. This wasn't supposed to be my thing because I was bad at it. The only reason why I decided to rebuild my father's mafia was that I never wanted Sylvesto getting anywhere near the crown. Another reason why I also started it was because I wanted my mother to come back which she never did and the last reason was that I wanted to find the real reason for my father's mysterious death.

  Sylvesto had been messing with my mafia and this was not the correct time because I was not in my right state of mind and it was impossible to get him.

"Cero! I found Belle" Leo came into my study and my mood changed instantly as I heard Belle's name
"How?" I asked
"Marco tracked her down. She now lives in Drex's old apartment"
"What? Why" I stood up. What would she be doing there? I retrieved my keys from my desk as I rushed
"Prepare the car we're going to get her" I hurried and Leo didn't budge as he folded his arms
"Cero! I-I think you should-you should give her some space and time to think. I don't think she has recovered yet. Now's the perfect time to concentrate on the unknown person who's working with Sylvesto don't you think?" Leo voiced and I stopped to brainstorm
"She wouldn't want to see you now so don't push it"
  Leo was right at some point but I wanted to apologize to Belle. I was tired of running around the mafia. I didn't want it in the first place.

  I sat down on my swivel chair and closed my eyes to relax. I needed rest. I've not had proper rest and I wanted everything around me to just stop.

  I just walked out of my study and out of the house leaving back a puzzled Leo. I got into my car and started for my quiet spot in the woods:The cliff

   It was quiet than usual as the birds weren't singing. It was about to rain. I didn't care. I took fast strides to the cliff and sat down. Memories of that night that Izzabelle shared flooded my mind. How it was the first time she called me by my name.

  I do miss her and I would do anything to get her back. I missed her touches on my skin. I wanted her. I wanted Belle and I just realized I couldn't do without her. Her laughter filled my ears as her image appeared before me.


My phone flashed and I turned to see that it was my mother who sent a message. My heart picked up a fast rate

         Cicero son, please forgive me for everything I've done. All the mistakes I've committed. Like I told you before I married Sylvesto to protect you all. He threatened to kill you all and destroy everything so I had no choice but to marry him. Please understand me. I love you and your sister very much. I hope you know that.
                          Your mother...

  I stood up immediately as I read it. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried calling her. I needed to know where she was so I could bring her back home and assure her that she was safe with me.

   She didn't pick up any of the calls. I got into my car and stormed to my mansion as I informed Marco to track her down. I waited anxiously as Leo tried calming me down. I couldn't even catch my breath. I shouldn't have allowed mum go with that bastard of a man. This was all my fault from the start. I failed to listen too and understand her.
"Cicero it appears that her phone can't be tracked down. Either it was destroyed or thrown into the water." Marco finished
"No! That can't be possible" I yelled as I stood up "Track her now or else-" I stopped as my phone flashed again.
I sighed painfully as I sat down on the chair. Sylvesto had sent a video. At first, I was scared of opening it but I had to overcome the fear if I wanted to know what it contained. 

  I finally clicked it and my breath hitched as I watched how Sylvesto punched my mother to death. In the end, he slit her open. He laughed and said
             'Got you!'
  I yelled as I shot my phone down. I began scattering places as Leo tried to stop me
"Mum..." I yelled terribly in tears and it alarmed grandma and Andrea as they came into the system room. Andrea was puzzled as she stared at everyone blankly
"W-what happened?" she asked and no one answered. I was still in agony as Leo hugged me. Andrea picked up the phone and watched the video and gasped. I watched as tears streamed profusely down her cheeks. She hugged grandma as she bawled loudly.
"Sylvesto has to pay for what he has done to me," I said as I wiped my tears...

K........k...... K...... K........ K........ K......... K

  Grandma decided to respect mum by placing her picture in the living room on the small altar we built. We had been wearing black since we found out and I was never going to forgive myself for letting it happen. Andrea grew pale from all the crying soo much that I insisted she took rest while grandma grew sick. I just grew grim. I didn't know what to do any longer.

  I was alone now in the living room on the small altar I decided to build for mum to respect her. The tears I had held for a long time began wetting my cheeks
"I know I never understood you mum because I was blinded by anger. I know I wasn't the best son you could ask for but I assure you that I'm going to avenge your death mum. I'm going to make Sylvesto pay" I yelled as I knelt crying like a child. I was deeply sorry for what I could have stopped but kept a blind eye to it. All of a sudden I felt a soft hand on my back and I turned to see Andrea. She hugged me as she cried too.

      I was hurt...

  "Cicero!" Leo stormed in with full force as he stared at me with pity. We both stood up as I wiped my tears.
"Ché Cosà?" I asked
"The flower shop Cero the flower shop" he panted and my heart began racing
"What about the flower shop?" I asked as I had already guessed what had happened
"It was-It was burnt down to ashes Cero"..........


Oh no! Oh no! Why are all these happening to Cicero? 😢😢😥

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