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  "Boss the trucks that carried cocaine and ecstasy were burnt down"
  "Boss two to four snitches were caught today and yesterday"
  "Boss the men you placed in charge of human trafficking were drugged and the people got away"
"Boss our centered plan in Verona has been disrupted"
  "Boss the economy is failing. Our ammunition has been stolen and some were seized by the police"
  "Shut the fuck up. All of you. No one should utter a damn word again. Do you guys think I don't know all of these?? Get the fuck out of my sight if you wanna live to see other days" I yelled as they all ran out of the hall immediately.

    I was underground and my mafia was failing. The mafia was failing but not the flower business.
        It had never before, it was fine two days ago but with a twinkle of an eye, it was falling hard. I was devastated and angry at the same time.

     I had four snitch cases to attend to. They became rampant and it was already cliché.
  I got into the torture room and I was met faced with a woman.
     I don't hit women except they wanted to take things to a whole new level.

"Just let me go" she screamed as she tried freeing herself from the chair. I hovered around her as she cursed. I saw the Red-Demon mafia mark that belonged to Fabio on her neck and I fumed.

"You people never stop, do you?" I said and she scoffed and grumbled. I punched her from her left cheekbone
"I don't like people like you and it will be quite difficult for your ass of a boss to kill me"
  I said as I gave her another swing on her nose. I kept on punching her, therefore venting my anger and frustration for the day on her. All of a sudden, a wave of weakness roamed through me as brown hazel eyes and brown long hair appeared in my mind. I stopped to regain strength when I realized that I punched the lady to death. I stepped back instantly looking at my bloody knuckles.


  The first thing that comes to my messed-up mind. Her curvy body, her petite figure, her enticing brown eyes, and her beautiful face. How I wanted her in my arms. How I wanted to rock her. I shook my head at the thought.

  It's been a whole week now and I never knew where she went to. I let her be to realize that she needed me.

     Why would you want her to need you?

   My subconscious attacked me. I'm not attracted or attached and I pray I don't get.

     After killing ten Moda fucking snitches, Leo and I started for the mansion. I just needed rest which I wouldn't be getting any time soon.

  I sat down on the kitchen counter sipping a cold bottle of ale.
"Why haven't you bothered searching for Izzabelle?"Leo attacked. I was in no mood to answer a shitty question
"She doesn't need protec-"

  A loud banging on the door interrupted our conversation
"Who's that fucker?" Leo grumbled
  The banging became extremely loud and out of hand and most of all very aggressive. Leo and I went towards the door.

  Where on earth were my guards? They weren't supposed to allow dicks at my door. Leo peered through the window and retreated fast
"Polizia. How's that even possible? "

Actually! This is because my connections are private and not public and even if they were public, I never left shreds of evidence behind me. I opened the door gently just to see Drex! He gave me a blow as I staggered behind

"You fraud! Where is she? Where is she?" he yelled.

      Wait a minute here! I'm confused. Drex's now a cop? Bullshit. Marco and Giovanni who appeared from somewhere protected me lest I received another blow.
"Where's who?" I asked bemusedly as I nursed my red cheek
"Don't ask me that question. You know what I mean. Don't act up all innocent because you're not" the asshole yelled
"Guys, get in. Search every damn corner," he told the other cops who were ready to get in. My men surrounded them but I told them to allow the idiotas to search.
"For the last time Alviano where's Izzabelle??" he yelled

        I'm so nice

"Does it look like she lives here?" I growled
"But you're the person who kidnapped her at first aren't you?"

  I wasn't going to answer and logically, I don't still know why I brought her to Italy I could've just let her go back to America but I.....couldn't.

   The series of cops came back.
"General, the coast is clear. No suspected issue and no traces"

  I sighed in satisfaction and he looked disappointed
"Maybe you've hidden her in one of those warehouses you have but I'll find her and take you down. I don't believe you and I know you're not clean. And trust me, I'll be back for you" he yelled again and left
   Giovanni and Leo stared at me in confusion
"Cero you let that dude go away just like that?" Giovanni retorted.

   I know when to get him. He was a pain in the ass and I wanted to shake him off my tail but now's not the right time I have far more pressing issues ahead. I moved away with chagrin

   Belle? She's missing?
"Fuck!" I cursed as I pushed a table down. I feel very frustrated right now
"Aahh" I yelled.

  Immediately as I finished destroying furniture, a notification was sent to my phone. I was so angry that I couldn't stand properly.
   I stared at my phone. A video was sent to me by an unknown number. I pressed the play button and the first thing I saw was Belle tied upside-down from the ceiling. She was badly bruised and bloodied. Her eyes were swollen as she kept crying. She had a black cloth draped over her mouth. She had been tortured.
  This increased my anger as she struggled. Out of the blue, Fabio popped up laughing.
"Cicero eh?" he laughed. I wanted to strangulate him now. Bastard.
"Heard you've been facing difficulties. Just wanna tell you that it's just the beginning and oh! You see your baby girl over there? I'm gonna rock her tonight and then blow off her brains. You better bring me what I want before it's too late. I give you ten minutes. The clock is ticking" he sang as he guffawed and the video ended.
   I shot the useless  gadget to the floor
"Dammit!" I yelled
"What's wrong Cero?" Leo asked perturbed.
"Fuck that bastardos if he dares lay a finger on her"
"Get the cannons ready. We've got my girl to save".......

Did I just see right?? Or I'm dreaming?? Did he just say we've got my girl to save?? Does this mean he has a thing now for her??  😱 OMG!

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