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    I fluttered my eyes open and I was met faced with Grandma and Andrea
"She's up" Andrea chirped before I realized that Leo, Giovanni, Dice, and Marco were in the room.

   I felt pains all over my body as I strained to get up but grandma stopped me
"Rest child," she said and I relaxed. They were all looking at me now but there was one person I wanted to see and he wasn't around.
"How long have I been here?"I asked as I noticed I was in Mr. Alviano's room. I finally sat up.
"A week" Leo chimed and I was shocked. Did I sleep for that long?

   Grandma praised my body as she said that my wounds and bruises were healing quickly
"You scared everyone girl, especially your Mr. Alviano," Andrea announced
    I felt my chest tighten as she said that
"Cicero has a reason for everything Izzy. You should learn to listen to him" Giovanni said

                I realized that

  The door was pushed open and Drex came in aggressively
"Iza? Iza! Are you alright?" he rushed. The guys looked at him exasperatedly and they were ready to attack but Mr. Alviano stood by the door and gestured for them not to attack.
    My breath hitched at the sight of him. I was grateful that he saved me. Our eyes locked but he looked away immediately and I felt bad.

   He was in a basketball jersey and he had plasters on his left arm and a plaster on his forehead that added to his hotness.
"Izzabelle answer me. Was he the person who kidnapped you?" Drex yelled. If he didn't yell I wouldn't have known that he was saying something
"How can he save her then, if he kidnapped her?" Marco retorted already feeling irritated by Drex's presence
"Shhh..... " Mr. Alviano hushed "Let him have the floor," he said daringly and this pricked Drex

"He wasn't the person who kidnapped me," I said softly
He looked disappointed as he turned to Mr. Alviano
"Even if you weren't the one, I still know that you aren't clean" he spoke and Mr. Alviano didn't even glance at him
"Iza get up we're leaving now. Your flight takes off at three" he strutted towards me as he tried pulling me up but grandma hit his knuckles with her gorgeous fan making it break during the process. He winced as he retreated fast.

  Grandma was my favorite in this house. She always found a way to put a smile on everyone's face

"Aren't you seeing she's trying to recover or You're becoming blind?" she sassed and everyone in the room except Mr. Alviano laughed
"Ugh... I don't know what to call you but she's coming with me" he said as he tried again but grandma didn't leave his knuckles alone. I was still too weak to laugh.
"She's going nowhere and get your ass out of my mansion" Mr. Alviano growled and Drex fumed
"Who are you to decide for her? I mean, she's a grown-up" he said "Izzabelle let's go now! I'm a cop and I have the right to tell you to come with me" he demanded and I stared at my nails guiltily
"Don't use that as an advantage boy. When the Don speaks, we all obey" Leo said
"Iza!" he sounded frustrated
"She doesn't wanna go so how about you leave?" grandma said as Dice tried ushering him out. He stopped
"Iza don't do something you're gonna regret and if you do regret and change your mind, you know where to find me," he said angrily as he walked out hitting Mr. Alviano during the process but it didn't seem to bother him.

     Silence filled the room afterward. Andrea began leaving followed by the others. Grandma Was The last to leave and she mouthed
    'Go easy on him'
   And she left just Mr. Alviano and me alone. It was damn awkward.
"I'm so sorry I should've listened to you," I said as I couldn't even look him in the eye. Before I knew it, the door was slammed shot. He left.

             He left!!!!!

K....... K....... K....... K....... K....... K

"How can I apologize to him? He doesn't even listen to me when I talk" I spoke to grandma and Andrea
"I can't say how because he's a hard man," Andrea said.


"But I know just the perfect plan for him to talk to you Cara," grandma said shooting me with a sinister smile
"He's going to an event but we call it in the mafia way 'ball'. He's going with Leo. It's for the business and I think you can surprise him"
"By going there and surprising him"
"Grandma Cero doesn't like surprises"
"Shush Andrea" she finished with Andrea and then turned to me
"You my dear are going there to meet him and this will trigger him to talk to you"

   Thoughtful but I was scared he was going to scold at me
"The event is tonight and we have just two hours left darling so chop-chop" she pulled me out as we left Andrea behind.

   Emilio took us deep into town. Grandma told me we were heading to the best dress shop in Italy.
We went to the best and the biggest shop and she asked for the most fabulous dress and it was packaged with shoes. I didn't even get to see the dress but she told me it was going to blow my mind.

   We went back home and Andrea did my makeup and my hair and I got to see the dress which was opened at the back area, it had a very huge slit on the left, and the sides were exposed so that my skin could be seen.

   It was heavenly made and gorgeous but it was too much. What was I thinking when I accepted to buy this dress??

  It was the color red. My head was tied into a high ponytail exposing my back
"Grandma are you sure about this?" I asked her still having qualms
"Trust me when I say this. He's gonna want to talk to you besides you look very beautiful, appealing, amazing, adorable and all the positive A's you can think of" she smiled as she jerked Andrea who was lost in her world. I wore black heels and they escorted me to the car.

   Emilio's eyes widened as he saw me approach. Grandma slapped him off
"Keep your eyes to yourself," she said and I giggled.
   He opened the car for me and we took off with grandma and Andrea wishing me luck.

  I was nervous. I was doing all this just to get him to talk to me and I wanted to apologize. I never brought my pride down for anyone but here I was.

  The ride was very silent thereby making my tension increase
"Signorina you look very beautiful I'm sure Don's eyes are gonna fall off when he sees you"

Maybe this was a bad idea. I think I should tell Emilio to turn back but I can't stop when I've already gone this far
   Was that supposed to lighten me up??

"Thank you!"
  We stayed a little longer while my nerves were boiling
"Signorina you might burst if you don't calm down," he said and I forced a smile
"I wouldn't"

       We arrived at the venue and it was lit. The door was opened for me and I heard a series of people gasp at the sight of me. My heart didn't miss a beat this time.

    Cameras flashing, and people yelling. I felt like a star.

   I hurried up the gigantic stairs and I heard men jeer as I moved. I didn't spare them a glance.

   The door was finally opened for me and I felt time stop as I drew the attention of most people.

      Whistling here and there as I moved down the stairs


      The person I was longing to see fell into my gaze as he stared at me in confusion and amusement......

Hmmm.....  😰

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