Rimuru's Deep Thoughts

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"So, Hajime..... nice girlfreind you have here"

Rimuru voiced out. After defeating the hydra the door automatically opened

Behind the door was a beautiful giant mansion with a large courtyard on the side. The whole area was lit by an artificial sun shining in the sky

Before investigating the mansion, Rimuru seated them down using the chairs he took out from his imaginary space

Chairs and tables coming out of nowhere confused the two but Rimuru ignored it. And that's how we got to this situation

"Y-Yeah she's a-"

"Vampire? I know" Rimuru said finishing what Hajime was about to say

"How do you even, anyways she's been-"

"Sealed here for 300 years betrayed by her uncle? Im assuming that's what your gonna say"

Rimuru was saying this as if this knowlage was known by everyone. The only reason he knows this is because of Ciel

"Anyways im Rimuru, Hajime's brother nice to meet you Yue"

"Same here, i hope we can get along"

"Wait wait how do you even know all this things about Yue?!"

"Hm? That i read that in a book"

"Bullcrap, i've read all the books in the library and not one mensioned anything about her! WAIT YOU DON'T EVEN GO TO THE LIBRARY"

"Hahaha you got me, the reason i know is because i can see through everything. All your stats or information i can easily see, and no you can't hide it from me"

After checking with Ciel, Rimuru decided to show just a little of his powers to Hajime as well as troll him hahaha

"Your litteraly the definition of a cheat"

"Hahaha, well anyways you seemed to have had a rough time down here"

"Yeah i had to go through hell to survive but, atleast i got a lot stronger thanks to that"

"Yeah i can tell. Eating monster meat and using holy water to heal yourself. That must have hurt going through destruction and rebuild"

To what Rimuru said, Hajime gave a dumbfounded face as Rimuru summed up all the things that happend to him

"You know kaori fainted after seeing you fall down the abyss. She cares a lot for you"

Hajime gave a conflicted face to what Rimuru said. Hajime like's kaori and even though he now has Yue he still has feelings for her

"Hajime?...." Yue called out

"Don't worry Yue, your special to me so don't worry i won't leave you behind"

Rimuru hearing this just gave off a sad smile, as he remembers Shizue telling him to just leave her and continue his own life. Shizue seeing Rimuru suffer for her was unbearable for Shizue but to Rimuru the pain was well worth it

(Shizue......im sorry you had to see me suffer for your sake. But that's just how much i love you.....) Rimuru's thought

"How is shirisaki?"

"She's fine, she's stronger than you could imagine"

"I see, that's good..... Well anyways let's go check this place out"

The mansion had small sized stadium to the back of the room the mansion had a waterfall. A large quantity of water ran down that wall from the ceiling and joined the river to flow into the back cave. Inside the water there were fish swimming there. Possible the fish flowed in from a terrestrial river

Rimuru's Journey For His Beloved(Arifureta From Common Place to World Strongest)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora