Suspicious Person?

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Their views was filled with light coming from the magic circle as they get teleported to the surface. The air definitely felt different even though nothing could be seen. It's clearly different compared to the air from the depth of the hell. Hajime and Yue in particular sensing the fresh air caused their cheeks to loosen

(Haaaa, after spending such a long time down there, we finally made it back to the surface?.....) Hajime's thought

As the light slowly setteled, all that came into view was

"A cave?" Yue mutters

"Say what?!!!"

Without any further thought, Hajime who believed that the other side of the magic circle was the surface unintentionally inserted a tsukkomi at the scene. Rimuru was just calm as he already knows why they're in a cave

"Hahahaha, calm down Hajime"

"You know something don't you?" Hajime just answers

"You know, I feel like your getting stupider. Hajime this is a secret passage, this is a rebel's base after all"

Rimuru said embarrising Hajime for not easily figuring it out

To this, Hajime just reacted by shamefully scratching his head. The three of them then started advancing through the pitch black cave. Well not really, the three of them have night vision so it wasn't a problem

On the way, though there were many doors with seals and traps, the Orcus Ring would react cancelling the activation altogether. Realising there's no danger, the three started loosing interest

They kept advancing until they found light. Light that came from the surface, The light which Hajime for the past few months, and Yue for the past three hundred years haven't see

To be honest, Rimuru didn't feel anything that special about seeing the light again. But he didn't want to ruin the mood so he just stayed silent while watching the two

Rimuru at this point started realizing just how hard it will be to controll himself as he envys the two. He envys how happy they are, how they get to be with eachother and last, how they managed to fullfill their goal of reaching the surface while he failed in his goal to save Shizue. But this just made it all the more important to find her

If he had just manage to save her, then none of this would have ever needed to happen. Because his main goal is to find Shizue, he's always been lonely as he knows it'll be pointless to make freinds and all. That all changed in the recent reincarnations why? Well that's a story for another time

(I really envy them......But im hoping not for long)

Rimuru thought while watching the two looking at each other exchanging glance and grinning

The three started to run towards the light which was gradually getting bigger, they could feel and breathe the air from the surface. It was different from the stagnant air from hell. The air was cool and fresh

The three finnally jumped into the light......and reached the long awaited surface

For the people who lives above the surface, the place their in right now would be considered hell. Magic could hardly be used, even so, a lot of powerful and brutal monster live there

The three were currently outside of the cave at the bottom of the Raisen Grand Canyon. Although they were at the bottom of the earth, the sun from above poured down bright and warm light. The fragrant of the surface mixed with the wind were tickling their nose

"We're finnaly back, aren't we?" Hajime said

"Mnn" Replied Yue

The two finally hit by an overwhelming happy feeling of reality, looked away from the sun, glanced at each other and with all their strength started hugging each other, while Rimuru stayed in the sidelines

Rimuru's Journey For His Beloved(Arifureta From Common Place to World Strongest)Where stories live. Discover now