The Great Dungeon

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The next day the party gathered around the square just in front of the Orcus Dungeon entrance. The students was escorted by knights just incase anything happens

The students imagined a dark gloomy entrance, but the entrance looked like the entrance to a museum, heck it even had a reception desk for the entrance

After eld had checked everyone that was supposed to be there was present they all entered the dungeon

The inside of the Dungeon was totally different to the bustling of the outside. There is not much ambient light, but in front was a passage that emitted light. The passage was about 5 m high and wide, it was possible to see to some extent even without any magical light or torches.

Special green stones, that were buried in the walls, emitted light to brighten the dungeon. Orcus Dungeon seemed like it had a huge vein of these green stones

As they enter the dungeon nothing of interest was happening, well that was the case until they advanced into a hal.

The hall was dome shaped and the ceiling looked to be around 7-8 m high. Gray fluffy balls gushed out from the cervices of the wall

"Okay, kouki's group step forward. Anyone else fall back! We will take shifts for the front-line. Get ready! These monsters are called Ratmen, they aren't that strong but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous, their speed is what makes them dangerous so advance steadily" meld said

The students were placed into seperate groups for the front line, rimuru is grouped up with shizuku while kaori is grouped up with nagumo

Just like meld said, the ratmen jumped at kouki's group with great speed but kouki blocked it with his shield

Kouki and his group intercepted all the ratmen that came out while kaori's group healed up kouki's group or buffed them up

Kouki wielded his white shining bastard sword so quickly that it was hard to see the motions for the others, only shizuku and rimuru could follow it

he quickly made short work of a few enemies. His sword was one of the artifacts that the Kingdom gave to him it was called the holy sword which only the hero could weild. Kouki having the hero class was given the best armor the kingdom had


Everyone was receiving high level artifacts and weapons for them to use, kaori was given a staff while shizuku was given a katana because of her samurai ties and her swordsmanship

Kouki was given a holy sword only weilded by a hero that weakens enemy and even nagumo was given a glove that lessen his mana use

"Hey you there, rimuru take this, these are high level gears and artifacts" meld said

"No i don't need it" i answered flatly

"Aren't you being to arrogant? Just because your strong doesn't mean you don't need gears" kouki said

"No it's not because im strong, it's because of this"

Rimuru said as he uses his mana materialization

Rimuru showed off what he looked like in his battle mode that he will rarely use because his standard outfit is enough for him

Rimuru was covered in a black outfit with a straight katana on his back along with a mask that materialize whenever he wants to (like starlord's mask but this one looked like shizue's mask)

"That's so cool, and i thought i wouldn't be impress anymore" shizuku said

"But isn't that just an outfit? Wouldn't an acctuall armor be better than that?" Kouki said

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