Explanation & New Partner

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"So in conclusion 300 years old?"

Hajime said. After defeating the scorpion, hajime brought back the materials and meat from the scorpion and cyclops back to his base

In truth they could have used the room where Yue was sealed but, Yue adamantly refused. Well it should have been expected, i mean you wouldn't want to stay at the place you were sealed in for so long right?

Right now they are located at his base, resupplying. While there Yue had told hajime all her back story

"Hajime's rude"

Yue said as she watched Hajime with reproachful eyes full of criticism. A talk of age seems to be a taboo for any woman in any world

Yue was the princess of the vampire race. She was sealed when she was 20 years old, this would make her a little over 300 years old

"Do all vampires live that long?"

"No im special, my regeneration prevents me from aging"

Apperantly at the age of 12 her powers woke up and because of this her body stopped developing. Vampires ussually live for about 200 years, while humans lived on average for about 70 years and demons live for about 120 years

They also talked about Yue's power and according to her, She seemed to have an aptitude to all the attributes. But she was weak in close combat so all she could do is run while shooting a barage of magic spells. Still with her magic power it really wasn't that big of a problem

She was able to use magic without any incantation, but she mentioned the names from habit

Also she isn't exactly immortal, if her magic remained, she would not die unless they could disintegrate her into dust in an instant. What's more was any would inflicted upon her while her magic is depleted wouldn't heal

Her magic had been drained after all those years of being sealed. Yue would have died if the scorpion had hit her

"Well anyways more importantly, do you know any exit routes to this place?"

"I don't know but...."

"It was said that one of the liberators was the one who created this dungeon to destroy the world"

She was watching him work and when he stopped she looked up at him. He nodded to her to continue with her story

"Long ago there was an age called the age of gods, it was said that these liberators used to be the followers of god before they turned on him and challenged god"

Yue continued her story and as she explains it, there were originally 8 liberators that tried to destroy the world. After they had failed they fled to the ends of the world, and there they built he great dungeons

It is said that in the deepest part of the abyss was where one of the traitor lived

"I see if that were the case then surely there's a way out at the bottom of the dungeon"

Hajime loosen his cheeks when the possibility was present. He returned his eyes back to his hand and continued his work. Yue's eyes returned to his hand too, and stared

"Yue you keep on staring at what im doing, is it really that interesting?"

Yue just nodded at that question. The image of her wearing that oversized coat and having her small hands hold her knees was charming

Her unbelievably well-featured appearance combined with her cuddle-ability made her really cute

(She's 300 years old, as expected of another world. Loli!) Hajime thought

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