Flower Trouble

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Author's note
Again this chapter focuses on Hajime's journey according to the webnovel so if all you want is Rimuru then feel free to skip this chapter, but i don't really recommend is because for me it's worth it to read everything

"Hajime should fight!"

Yue said as they try to run away from 200 incoming monsters. Currently, they were traversing through savage grass with Yue on his shoulder. The grass are accually taller than Yue meaning if hajime place Yue down you wouldn't be able to see her

What had happend was after Hajime finished resupplying they managed to advanced 10 more levels. Of course Yue's magic played a massive role in their progression

Yue would use her magic to attack any incoming enemy while Hajime would support Yue by using his own skills

Her barrier and recovery magic was not that great. Since she had "Auto Regen", she may have thought it was unnecessary. There was no problem because Hajime had his potion

Currently the floor they're in had the appearance of a forest, an extensive forest. Lush and dense trees over 10 m tall lined the forest, and the atmosphere was damp

Good thing it wasn't hot like the tropical forest level he encountered

While searching for a way out of the level a sudden shake coming from the ground could be felt. When Hajime looked over at the source, there he saw a giant lizard that looked similar to a T-rex but this one had a flower on its head

Tyrannosaurus rex gave out a roar and rushed at them. To this Hajime reacted by calmly taking out donner. But before he could do anything Yue raised her hand and mutter

"Scarlet Spear"

Suddently a flame appeared and took the form of a spear. The spear shot through the T-rex's mouth and penetrated out the back

A rumble sounded as the T-Rex fell sideways onto the ground, and the flower on its head plopped onto the ground


Hajime stayed silent for a bit. These days Yue seem to be intense. In the beginning, she would devote herself to covering Hajime. But now any monster that would appear, Yue would kill in an instant

He started to feel depressed at being useless. Is it because he dragged his feet and it was over before he could do anything? His mind was seized with anxiety

"Y-Yue aren't you too enthusiastic about this?" Hajime said with a forced smile

"B-But i want Hajime to see how usefull i am...."

Yue doesn't seem to be happy with just covering Hajime. Yue wanted to keep showing off to Hajime

"Hahaha, don't worry i know your magic is very powerfull. But please take the rear, close combat isn't your strong suit. The frontlines is for me"

"O-Ok i understand....." Yue said as she looks at the ground

He smiled at Yue, who was trying too much to be helpful to Hajime. To show he didn't dislike her, he stroke her soft hair. Yue’s expression returned to her usual mood. Hajime couldn't say anything

After a while Hajime's perception detected something. Approximately 10 of them were coming towards them. From the movements of the leader, it seemed to be a two-tailed wolf?

As Hajime started to rush one of the wolfs, a 2 m reptile dropped from the overgrowth in the trees. The reptile's appearance was similar to a raptor. There was a tulip blooming on its head


"Is it fashion?....."

Yue muttered to herself. Hajime turned his eyes towards the demon and took a guess at what the flower accually is

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