Escape & Survive!

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On either sides of the bridge, magic circles appeared, from the magic circles came monsters that were sword-toting skeletons, these were called "Traum Soldier". Their eyes were the same color as the magic circle, it sparkled and shine while they looked around. 100 Traum Soldier have already been summoned and yet the numbers were still increasing

Even though there were so many of those "Traum Soldiers", what scared hajime the most was the giant monster

While Meld was frozen he muttered

At that moment, the Behemoth took a deep breath and let out a deafening roar



The roar caused Meld's senses to return, he quickly started to issue commands to everyone to try and save them

"Kouki Lead the students to the stairs and break through those Traum Soldiers!, Kyle, Ivan, Gale! I need you guys to extend the best barriers you can! Stop it! Kouki, hurry and get to the stairs!"

"Wait a moment, Meld-san! We'll help! That dinosaur-like monster is the most dangerous!? We'll-"

"Fool! That's a real Behemoth, at your current strength it's impossible! It's a 65th level demon. Once a long time ago, the "Strongest" known adventurer battled it and were unable to defeat it. Hurry up and go! I can't let you guys die!"

'Damn it! If only the knights and Rimuru was here we might have been able to deal with the behemoth' meld thought in despair

Even Meld's expression faltered for a moment at the daunting monster in front of him

Suddently the behemoth roared and started charging the students, at this rate the students retreating will be trampled to death

To prevent it, the strongest of Haihiri's military spawned multiple full powered barriers

""Repel all Malice and Enmity, Absolute Providence from the Son of God, Herein a Sanctuary, You Shall Not Pass, ""Absolute Virtue""

Just at the nick of time the spell was casted and the behemoth clashed with the barrier. At that moment a shockwave shaking the whole bridge happend

The retreating students scream and tumbled at the artificial quake

2m off of the edge of the bridge in a crouched position was Hajime as he exhaled heavily. He was continuously transmuting the ground. Like a ground slide, the monsters on the bridge were guided off into the abyss

While drinking a mana potion, Hajime quickly approached a girl that fell down. He helped the girl up. Hajime spoke to the still stunned girl with a smile

"Hurry Forward. It's alright, if you calm down these skeletons are nothing. Because except for me, everyone else is a cheat!"

Hajime pat her on the back with full confidence, the next moment she uttered a quick energetic "Thank you"

Once agaim behemoth attacked the barrier causing them to panic even more

At this moment nagumo reached kouki's group

"Amanogawa, Retreat now! They need you, look they're panicking without a leader" nagumo said

"Nagumo-kun?!" They were surpised to see him there

"Hurry up and retreat they need you go!" Nagumo said as he grabs kouki by the collar

Kouki finnaly realizing the horror of the sitaution complied. Meld then stayed behind ti hold behemoth off but nagumo had a plan

"Meld-san i have a plan" after telling Meld the plan Meld had one question

"Can you pull it off?"

With a determined look on his face, he answered without hesitation

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