Students Reaction & Sealed Girl

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At the inn, just after Rimuru left, Kaori was still embracing Shizuku, who now has calmed down after seeing rimuru go back to the abyss

"Shizuku, i have a question"

Kaori said immeidietly Shizuku started feeling embarresed and turned red

"N-nothing is going on between me and Rimuru i swear! He um.... he just kissed my forehead so that's not that weird right?!" Shizuku said in a panic

"Hahaha calm down, that's not what i was gonna ask you. Atleast not yet"

"O-Oh so what is it then?" Shizuku replied still embarresed

"Back there, whose magic was it that hit Nagumo-kun?" Kaori asked with a serious voice

"No one knows, accually no ones talking about that. Their all too scared"

"Why do you ask? Do you hold a grudge?" Shizuku asked seriously

"I-i don't know, if i find out who it is i would surely blame them but.... if no one knows and no one wants to admit then there's nothing you could do"

"Also another thing, what did Rimuru meant earlier? He said be aware of everyones thought about me and to make my feelings clear to everyone. What did he mean by that?" She asked

"A-Ahh about that, do you really want to hear it?"

"Yess if it's for Nagumo-kun then yess"

Shizuku just gave a sigh before taking a deep breath to explain

"Now how do i even begin? Ah yess the short version of this is your extra super dense"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Kaori was confused since she has always paid attention to Nagumo and no one else

"You do realise how beutiful you are, right?"

"Eh? Im not that beautiful right?"

Kaori said making Shizuku sigh in dissappointment

"Your litteraly called one of the goddess in school"

"No that, your just over exadurating"

"Litteraly all the boys in school wants to date you"

"There's no way that's true right?"

She was denying it since she doesn't think something like that was possible

"Remember back in middle school when a boy said 'i like you please go out with me' and you replied 'no thanks' and he left crying"

"Yeah it was weird, wasn't his reaction too much?"

"Wait your not saying he-"

"Yep that's right you rejected him without you even knowing"

"B-but that was the only time that happend right?"

"Then what about when a boy said he wanted to learn more about you and you just replied 'Yeah let's be freinds' and he fell on his knees"

"W-wait your not saying he-"

"Yep he also liked you"

Shizuku then started telling her all the times they confessed to kaori without her even knowing. Kaori who is now starting to get embarresed covered her ear. Like a child not wanting to hear her parent

"Stop it please, it's embarrising i don't want to hear any more of ittttt!"

"Even prince randel want's you"

"Stoooop! I don't want to hear any moreeee!"

Kaori was dumbfounded at herself because she never noticed whenever someone would confess to her

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