chapter twenty four

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It was another day for all of them and Karina could tell that Winter was visibly avoiding her. She was confused and tried to ask her girlfriend about this but whenever she attempted to get a closer step towards Winter, the younger walks away. Not even trying to hide the fact that she was indeed avoiding her lover.

With a sigh, Karina left her apartment with a note saying that she should take care of herself and that she should eat and that maybe they could talk about whatever was bothering her or whatever was the problem between the two of them.

She didn't want to go home just yet and even though she wanted to go to the pub, it'll be impossible to stay in there since it was still too early and the pub opens when darkness already occupies the entire sky so where should she go?

And like a lightbulb, her mind thought about her older sister and so she went there, not knowing what to expect, not knowing what to tell why she decided to go there in the first place but she went there.

The village where Irene and Seulgi lives was a luxurious yet simple one. It had golf clubs, friendly neighbors, sweet gardens and a lot more. It felt like heaven living in there, as what Irene would say to her. Karina wasn't the best when it comes to remembering things but thankfully, she remembers what the exact address was or else she would've made a fool out of herself.

Karina pulled over and parked her car in front of a small black gate that had other cars parked as well. She rang the doorbell and on her first try, there was no luck. No one answered but she stayed there and tried again. The second try didn't work well but thank god the third one did. You know what they say, the third one does the charm.

A door opened and a figure came out. She had messy hair and smeared lipstick. Karina was horrified when she came to a realization that she might have interrupted something. She could tell that they were having a quality time just by how messy her older sister looked like.

"Oh my god," she muttered under her breath as soon as she got a clearer view of her sister. There was another figure who followed outside and she looked exactly like what her older sister looked like. A mess. "Were you two making out?" Karina told them in aghast when they reached to open the gate.

"Yeah. We were getting to the exciting part when you rang the doorbell." The older sister says as she gives a joking glare at Karina which Seulgi laughs at. "What brings you here, Karina?" Seulgi asks a teasing Karina while Karina is trying her best to look annoyed but couldn't help herself and end up laughing.

"Let's go inside," ushered Irene and the three of them entered the abode. Little did Karina know that the couple were giving few worried glances at each other. It was like they were talking about something but using their eyes and Karina being the preoccupied soul that she is, she was oblivious to that fact and kept on walking to the door until she reached the couch and sat down there.

"Well, feel at home." Seulgi said and went to the kitchen to prepare for snacks meanwhile Irene sat beside Karina and asked her a few questions. "What brings you here?" Karina replied with a shrug. "Winter is avoiding me and grandma's acting weird. Everything today is weird."

Irene shot a worried look at Seulgi who was eavesdropping on the conversation and the girl with a bear-like smile gulped. "What makes you say that, Karina?" She says while she opens a sachet of juice and gets some ice from the refrigerator. The older sister nods and repeats the question yet with a stuttering tone. " c-could you say that?" Even though she wasn't looking directly at her fiance she felt her glares directly shot at her.

"I went to Winter's apartment today to ask her out on a date but she only responds with one liners and even stutters sometimes. I guess she's agree with me because I couldn't bring her to the lake. And as for grandma, she didn't talk to me the whole morning but I caught her giving me looks. Worried looks, I'll add." Stated Karina and ended her words with a sigh. "Did I do something wrong that might have made them upset?" She asked, not knowing to who but she asked.
"I have something to tell you, Karina." The younger sister who was about to fall down on the solid floor quickly shot back up to Irene and stared at her before mouthing a what? Her sister's mouth opened but before she could get any word out, Seulgi dragged her out and told Karina that it'll only be a few seconds.

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