chapter one

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There are booming businesses in South Korea and some of them are also known world wide just like the Yoo corporation. Their company is well known when it comes to producing and making paper materials like notebooks.

The said company distributes their products across the globe therefore marking their name in the industry. Just like the Yoo corporation, there are other booming businesses from South Korea that reaches across the globe too.

Uchinaga Enterprises, Yizhou Inc. and Kim Medicals are some of other businesses that have marked their names in the said industry as well. Although the Uchinaga and Yizhou companies didn't originally settle in South Korea, their names started to grow there.

Companies always have heirs or someone that'll handle the work when the one in position retires like Yoo Jimin. Heirs like her trained for heir whole lives to do this. From studies, to etiquette and many more other things. Heirs like her should always know what to do.

But the thing is, the heir of the Yoo Corporation never wanted to take over, it was never in her plan. Instead, she always wanted to settle with a normal life yet parents like hers were the villains that's why instead of being in a warm cozy house with dogs and probably someone she loves, she's in their building with the Uchinagas and their people including her best friend, Aeri Uchinaga.

The two of them share a lot of similarities, that's why they got along with each other well and within a short period of time, they were already the best of friends. They both like singing, they gossip about other people that they think are annoying specially their parental figures and they like girls. Gays. They also have nicknames. Giselle for Aeri and Karina for Jimin.

It's much easier to call them that way.

Just like Karina, Giselle was also a heir. She wasn't that different from Karina and yes, she doesn't want to do it as well. She'd like to break tradition and just pursue her dreams of being a well-known musician but then again, her parents were also just like Karina's. Villains of her life. The two of them were doomed with their futures.

Anyone could think that they're being silly and rebellious because who would want to run away from a responsibility like this? Aeri’s family business specializes in the industry of shoes. It pays, it gives you money and most importantly, it has a stable reputation. If you were in their position, you'd never want to run away with all the fortune given to you, right? So the question is why? Why would you want to discontinue the legacy?

Karina was just like any basic teenager out there. She was very much afraid of the responsibility that was gonna be given to her. She's already a young adult but she's inexperienced. What if she messes up halfway? What if she disappoints the people around her. The pressure were on her shoulders and to tell you the truth, it's a god-awful feeling.

Aeri wants to achieve her dreams of being a successful musician. It has always been her dream to perform on a stage. She's a dreamer yet her dreams have been crushed before she knew it.

Both of them were the only ones that understood each other. They were best friends indeed and sisters by heart. They might not share the guts and blood but they surely are sisters. I guess you could say that they're lucky to have each other.

"I heard she's coming," Aeri whispered to Karina. Back to the present scene, the Uchinagas and Yoos were briefly discussing about merging their companies since the two of them create things. The truth is, Karina's father just didn't like seeing other companies top theirs. He has this big ego that can never be fed.

Considering that she's his daughter, Karina thought it'd be a good idea but upon hearing her best friend's words, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and be filled with confusion. "Are the Kims included?" A confused Karina asked Giselle who looked confused as well. "Yizhou told me."

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