chapter twenty one

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Winter was never a morning person, in fact she never really liked waking up early in the morning but when she felt someone laying their legs on her, she instantly smiled and opened her eyes. Karina was sleeping soundly beside her and even when she's asleep, she still looks really beautiful.

She felt her lips curving into a small smile while she admired how the older looked, with few strands of her black hair covering her face and how it still illuminates sunshine, with how her eyes are closed, with how her cheeks would deflate each time she snored and how she felt tranquility upon admiring her face.

The warm rays of the sun perfectly made Karina's face light up and when she felt it directly hitting her face, she opened her eyes only to be greeted by a smiling Winter. "Good morning, sunshine."

Karina wrapped her arms around Winter's body. The younger smiled at Karina's gesture and hugged her back. "What should we have for breakfast?" Asked Winter who has been hungry ever since she woke up.

"Well, this is your place so I guess you should decide on what to cook but I can cook for you if you'd like." Replied Karina who gave her the sweetest smile after pulling away from the hug. Winter placed her hand under her chin and tried to appear that she was thinking too deep just for breakfast.

Karina found it adorable. I mean, who wouldn't find it adorable? Winter looked like a kid who was given the chance to buy something they really want and now they're giving their best to think about it so it wouldn't go to waste. What a big baby, the older thought.

"How about pancakes and eggs?" The short haired finally managed to say after thinking about it. She wanted to try something more Korean-like for a morning meal but realized that her hunger would probably betray her patience. Karina nodded at the choice of food and planted a kiss on Winter's forehead before going out of the bedroom to cook.

With her lover out of the room, Winter was left in the bedroom and cleaned it up and started to do her morning rituals. It was nice to have someone with her in the apartment, if she was alone, she would've grumbled and complained. That's how she starts her morning.

But with Karina, it's different. With Karina, there was hope for the day. How could be such an idiot to hurt someone like Karina?

After putting on casual clothes, she went out of the room and walked downstairs only to be greeted with sweet vanilla scents from the kitchen and eggs that were being fried. She felt hungry just with its smell. Karina was indeed a wife material.

Without any word, she snaked her arms around Karina's waist and kissed her cheek which made the older flinch and become flustered. After a few seconds of glowing beetle red, she spoke, "You smell good."

Winter smiled and buried her face in Karina's neck that once again made the older blush a bit redder, "you smell better." They stayed in that position for minutes. Just Winter back hugging Karina while her face is buried in the older's neck. Lovebirds.

"Isn't your grandma worried that you're not home yet?" The younger asked as she took a bite of Karina's pancakes and instantly commented on how beautiful it looked and how it tasted so good. Karina responded to her and smiled. "I've already texted her last night."

Supposedly, Karina was supposed to stay at her grandma's house last night but Winter wanted to have her around so Karina decided to leave a note for the older, notifying her that she won't get home until the next morning which her grandmother only responded with a heart emoji.

"Well, that's good." Minjeong smiled at Karina and the older perfectly mirrored the expression as she took a bite of her pancakes. They were silent for a short while, they let it consume them because it was a comforting feeling for both of the girls.

Minutes had gone by and Winter wanted to ask Karina about her plans for today which the older only responded with her going back to her grandma's house and trying to find a job. Winter nodded at these words and offered to drive her home but her lover declined, saying that she could manage herself to which the younger only responded with a small smile.

After they ate, Minjeong offered to wash the dishes herself when she saw Karina placing her hands under the gloves to start washing it. "No, let me do it." The older replied, but sooner agreed with Winter when she saw that she was getting a bit impatient.

Karina gave her quick peck before going to the bathroom to take a quick shower and using some of Winter's clothes. They were very much looking like an old couple where Karina is going to work and where Winter is a stay at home wife.

"Love, I'm going home now."

With those words vocalized out, the two were entangled in a deep and passionate kiss along with a lot of goodbyes and take cares. Winter waved at Karina with her hands in gloves and filled with soap, and Karina waved back with a warm smile and mouthed I love you.

Of course, Minjeong mouthed I love you too back at her and went back to the dishes. She rinsed them and laid back on her bed. Such a shame that she and Karina couldn't be together for a long time even if they wanted to because they had responsibilities to do.

As Minjeong turned her head to where Karina was just sleeping earlier, her lover's scent crawled up to her nose which made her smile at the thought of Karina.

Who knew that after all this time, there was still hope for the two of them? After all the heartaches they suffered because of each other, the universe still somehow always manages to find a way to bring them back together.

Winter was thankful for it. She really was.

Not a word was uttrered when Minjeong took a nap for 3 hours. She was sleeping silently, letting Wonderland consume her entire being while she dreamed of places she wanted to go. Strange thing is that she couldn't see Karina in it, she couldn't see Karina with her.

With that thought being the entire thing she was thinking, she bolted awake and cursed herself for a couple of seconds before realizing that it doesn't matter, right? Because she's sure that she wants a future with Karina.

She knows she wants Karina to be on there on Mondays where she would wake up next to her and forget about every little complain she has. She knows she wants Karina to be with her on cold Tuesday mornings where they'd sip on hot chocolate while they watch a movie. She knows she wants Karina to be with her on Wednesdays where they'd bore themselves to death watching sports. She wants Karina and here to go out on a coffee date on boring Thursdays after work. She wants Karina to be with her on Fridays as they share Chinese take outs.

She knows she wants Karina to be with her in her everyday life. She wants Karina to be her wife so why would a dream of hers bother her, right? Why would a dream about her future without Karina and where she felt alright bother her right?

"I'm just overthinking things." Winter told herself and nodded to it. She was just overthinking because things were happening too fast. It seemed unreal to her that Karina would just accept her back after everything.

It seemed unreal to her that everything was just going smoothly for the two of them. It seemed unreal to Winter but she knew she was just overthinking, overreacting to things because she and Karina were two different individuals and Karina was the kinder one.

Winter shrugged her thoughts and just focused on thinking about romantic dates Karina and her would do in the future. She smiled as she thought about her and Karina being fur parents in the future.

Yet no matter how hard she tried to smile and to shrug all of her thoughts, something just really felt off for Winter and she knew why. She was very much afraid that she knew why. She knew why it felt off.

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