Twenty Weeks

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We're walking out of my twenty week appointment where we got a paternity test done with Greyson and Asher, and we found out the baby's gender. I'm more than halfway through my second trimester and boy has it been a whirlwind. The morning sickness finally passed, but that was only a couple weeks ago.

My belly has gotten a lot bigger, I'm really starting to show and I honestly love it. My breasts have also gotten huge and sensitive but other than that I haven't experienced anything really negative or painful. We still haven't told our parents, I'm the one stalling but now that we know the gender I'm more motivated to tell them.

"I can't believe we're having a girl" I say proudly as I look at the ultrasound.

"She's going to be beautiful just like you Say" Greyson says and kisses my temple.

"Are we going to talk about this?" Asher says as he stops dead in his tracks.

"Until we get the results, there isn't much to talk about" I say and he looks annoyed.

"I wish I could be excited about this, but I'm not ready to be a dad...if I even am"

"I'm not ready to be a mom, but I'm willing to try and figure it out" I say in all seriousness.

"Are you finally going to tell Ava?" Greyson asks.

He runs a hand through his blonde locks "I don't even know what to say or where to start"

"From the beginning is best.. she deserves to know the whole truth" Greyson says sternly.

"That's easy for you to say Greyson. You don't mind being a dad even if the baby isn't yours and I don't want if it is. I can't imagine how she's going to react"

"Well you would think for someone who fucks everything that walks, you would know the risks" I take a step in between them as things begin to escalate.

"Fuck you" Asher spits out.

"No, fuck YOU Asher. After all of the shit you've done you should be happy I'm still your fucking friend and let you back on the team. You should be thankful that Saylor is so forgiving or this whole thing would be much different. Stop being so selfish and man the fuck up" as harsh as it is, I'm proud of Greyson for telling him what he needs to hear.

"I'll see you later" he says and walks off.

Part of me wants to go after him, but a bigger part of me knows that Greyson is right. Asher needs to man the fuck up and tell Ava the truth. Greyson grabs ahold of my hand and we walk to his truck. He opens the passenger side and we head back to the apartment. He drops me off and then takes off to practice, where I hope and Asher can get a long.

Lo and I study in the living room together. She helps me with a research paper I'm working on and every once in a while we say random girl names out loud and if I like it, I write it down. We're eating some chips and laughing when there's a light knock at the door. Lo and I look at each other confused because all of the guys are at practice.

She stands and answers it, my jaw nearly hits the floor when I see who's there "Ava?" I come to a stand and walk over.

Her eyes go right to my swollen belly "Hey Saylor can we talk?" I nod as she steps inside.

We both take a seat on the couch and Lo goes into the kitchen to give us some privacy "What's up?" I ask and can sense how nervous she is.

"Congratulations by the way, pregnancy looks good on you" she says with a genuine smile.

"Thank you, that means a lot"

"Asher told me about everything that happened with you, him and Greyson. I had no idea it was so intense"

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