on FIRE!

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As the whole team stepped out onto the stage, BTS was greeted with a loud roar.

The Armys surrounding the stage filled the arena with wild screams even when the members were just casually singing around in their comfy outfits for the soundcheck.

The members felt overwhelmed when the armys' voices hit their ears. They could never get used to it. It felt euphoric every single time.

As the members jumped around singing and greeting the fans while dancing lightly on their feet maintaining their swag, there was someone who was trying to take a peek from the corner of the stage.

Korie couldn't help but get awestruck at the sight she had never experienced before. She couldn't believe they were the same 7 guys she had been hanging out with for the last few weeks. Their energy seemed so different when they were around their fans. Especially RM.

While she was busy gaping at them, J Hope caught a glimpse of Korie. Taken aback, he staggered and missed his footing only to trip and fall into Suga's hands. The crowd roared with mixed emotions. While they were concerned about J Hope, they found the moment cute where a fellow member caught him in time.

" What happened? Are you okay?", Suga asked covering the top of his mike.

" Nae.", he reassured him but his eyes went back to the corner where he saw Korie. His mind couldn't believe what he saw.

" Waah.", he gasped into the mike, his eye still trained at Korie and that caught everyone's attention.

The members followed J Hope's eyes curious only to see an anxious Korie hiding in the corner. Jaws dropped at the speed of lighting when they caught Korie standing there in her black leather suit outlining her figure that she always managed to conceal behind her baggy outfits. Her hair sleeked into a  straight ponytail while the soft bangs on her hair perfectly framed her beautiful face.

Music kept blasting in the speakers but the boys stood there frozen.

" Yeppeun.", Jungkook whispered into the mic and that intrigued the fans. They tried to get a glimpse of what caught their Idols' eyes.

With too many heads turning to her, she panicked and ran behind the backdrop stage before the fans could see her.

With Korie gone, Jungkook's eyes faltered, and that was when he realised, he messed up. He knew he had to cover up.

" Isn't the sky pretty?", He suddenly pointed to the sky.

" Nae nae.", the rest of the members pitched in to help and resumed the soundcheck.

The look on Armys screamed suspicion but the boys' sweet voice managed to hypnotize them and soon they started dancing again along with them.

As soon as the soundcheck was over, the boys made a run to get ready for the concert. While they were supposed to take a right to get to their green room, J Hope surprised the members by taking a left behind the backdrop stage to where Korie disappeared.

" Where are you going?", Suga asked him but it was a useless question. They knew who he was looking for and honestly, they were all a little intrigued too and so they followed J Hope.

J Hope frantically looked for her unbothered by the flabbergasted staff and backup dancers. Suddenly they stumbled upon a surprised Tony.

" What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be getting dressed?", Tony asked them.

" Did you see Korie?", J Hope asked totally ignoring his question.

" No. She must be getting ready.", he said still confused.

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