Fighting My Own Battles

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Phew, that was a close call. Looking at the three of them at once took a toll on my heart, all seven of them would be a disaster. So I ran to the practice room before the rest of the members appeared.

My footsteps echoed in the empty room . There was no one around except for Tony who was setting up the sound system.

" There you are. I am almost done. Why don't you warm up?", he said without taking his eyes off the sound system.

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me. I put on my earphones and threw my bag into a corner.

With some music, I did the basic warm up routine and when I was done, I looked around a little provided that I didn't get a chance to take in the view of the room with all the people and the cameras in here yesterday. Now that they were gone, the room looked bigger than before. I roamed around, bored out my wits, and there Tony was still stuck to his laptop, setting up the music.

" Need some help?", I asked.

" Does it look like that?", he said totally immersed in his laptop as he struggled in whatever that he was doing.

" Umm. Yes!".

" Hey. I have been at this work for almost 10 years now. I know what I am doing."

" Guess my stone hit your pride. What are you doing anyways?"

" Uff. It's your paperwork for recruiting you."

" Paperwork for a replacement? Wow, I know nothing about this industry.", I said shocked as I took a look at the forms scattered all over the screen.

" I know you are in for just one gig but this paperwork is for your permanent recruitment into my crew. As my crew works with BTS, the company gets involved and hence a lot of paperwork.", he said.

" Permanent recruitment?", I asked a little surprised.

" Yup. The day you auditioned I decided to offer you a permanent spot in my crew. Did you think I will let go of such a good dancer after seeing your Mic drop performance? No ways. You need some guidance and I can polish you real good. For that, I need the paperwork.", Tony said.

A smile appeared on my face, thankful to him but I covered it up real soon so as to not let him get cocky about it.

" My head's hurting with all the paper talk. There is no rush, let's get to practice first.", I said, desperate to hide my excitement.

" You are right. Let's dance then.", he said and hit play on the screen.

Soon, our music blasted off from the speakers and Tony started to move in response to the beat. It was as if his body had a mind of its own. His eyes were on me but his body moved perfectly to the rhythm. I joined in and we started dancing together. All through the dance, my eyes didn't leave him just like the first day. The way he moved to the beat was mesmerising. It looked so effortless when he did it.

An hour and a half later, I ended up dancing solo while Tony monitored my performance. Every time I made a mistake he winced and I prepared myself to drown in his wrath but it never showed up. He politely pointed out my mistakes and corrected me contrary to his image of a strict instructor.

" Korie. Again, right leg in and left leg out.", he said as I made yet another mistake.

" I'm sorry. ", I said losing a little confidence.

Tony walked up to me and I squeezed my eyes shut ready to take in all the pent-up anger he had to pour on me.

" Hey, it's okay. Mistakes happen. You are doing great. Stay back after practice and we will work on it okay?.", he said with the kindest smile I have ever seen.

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