Just Dawny Dark

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The one thing I hate the most is the morning alarm. I'd rather not sleep all night than wake up to such deafening sounds that always manage to give the most unbearable headache.

I hit my phone hard on the floor and somehow the alarm magically turned off. I was just drifting back to sleep when,

" Whoa! If something happens to my phone, you are buying.", came his voice with a deep chuckle.

I smiled as it was the best dream I could have. I'd rather live in this dream forever where I can listen to his amazing voice without ever being tired.

" What are you smiling about?", the voice said and something felt fishy.

I slowly opened my eyes, and kneeling right in front of my eyes was our strikingly handsome RM. He looked so angelic so up close.

" Wow.", I gasped aloud.

His eyebrows scrunched in confusion, but that blush on his cheeks and the little hint of a smile on his lips said that he knew very well what I meant.

" I knew you were handsome, but up close you are just drop-dead gorgeous. This is the best dream.", I said mentally drooling over him.

" It's not a dream. ", he chuckled.

" What?"

" It's not a dream. Now wake up. It's 4 already."

I sat up with a jolt.

If it was not a dream.

Oh my God!

Did I just say all that to his face?

" Did you sleep well?", he asked but I just couldn't look into his eyes. I was beyond embarrassed.

" Hmm.", I mumbled looking everywhere but his face.

Suddenly I realised something. I was in the recreation room. But the last I remember we were on the rooftop. I don't remember walking down here.

I tried to remember hard clutching onto a jacket in my lap. This familiar jacket made me even more confused. RM must have noticed it.

" You were feeling cold so I put my jacket on you and you were deep asleep so I carried you down. ", he said as if he read my thoughts.




My head snapped to him startling him a little.

" Did you really carry me down?", I asked him shocked.

" Yeah! Don't you think I am strong enough to do that?"

" Oh you sure are!", I said looking at his strong muscles now clear through his t-shirt with his jacket gone.

" Yeah. I am drop dead strong you know.", he said trying to hold back his laugh.

I just sat there dumbfounded. I couldn't be any more embarrassed. I was at the height of my embarrassment.

I held my head in my hands and snooped under the jacket foolishly trying to hide.

" I m sorry. I was just kidding.", he said laughing trying to pull me up but I refused.

" Yaah! Come on. It's already 4:15. You have to be in the practice room by 5. You kept mumbling all night that you want to go home to freshen up. If you don't get up now, you will have to freshen up here.", he said.

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