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May 21 2016
Parker Apartment
Peter's POV

I sleepily shuffle down the hall until I see May sitting in an arm chair while Delilah sleeps on the couch. I let out a yawn and rub my eyes with my fist before my senses take notice of Delilah's teeth chattering and her body tensed as if she's cold.

To show my concern, I walk back into my room to take the pillows and blankets I slept on and walk them back to the living room. I make my way to her and drape the blankets over her body until she looks relaxed enough to rest then prop up her head with the pillows.

"You get some sleep?" May asks as she lifts a piece of mango to her mouth

"Yeah and it was good too. Did you bring me to my room? There were blankets set up on the floor and everything, I figured I would remember doing something like that but I don't." I ask as I walk to her

She lifts a piece of fruit to me that I take in hand and bring it to my mouth to eat, I muffle a "thank you" before I start chewing while I await my aunt to answer my question.

"No, I figured you kids worked out sleeping arrangements or you would all just pile up in the fort. Also, I invited Delilah to stay the night again tonight so you kids can keep helping each other with your work." she shakes her head

"I woke up on the floor, but there was a pile of blankets-I felt like a burrito because there were so many-and a stack of pillows, enough to share between Rosie, Ned and myself just fine. I was going to offer Delilah the bed and have Ned and I take the fort or have Ned take my bed while I take the floor and Rosie take the fort."

"Well, I wouldn't worry about it now. She's been curled up on the couch since I got up this morning, hasn't made a sound."

"She was shivering when I checked on her."

"She's wearing a hoodie and sweatpants of yours, I didn't think she could be cold in those." May states

"You take them all the time." I call out

"Only when I'm cold and my warm clothes are dirty, or when they end up being put in my pile on accident once they're clean." she defends

"Don't you have some of Uncl-"

"Yes, but I don't like to look at them and yours fit me better."

"Okay..what's for breakfast?" I ask as I rock back and forth on my feet

"There's cereal in the cabinets, I went out earlier and bought fruit, yogurt, granola, avocados, bread, tomatoes, cream cheese, bagels, a few other items I can't remember right now." she lists off

"Thank you, May." I express as I walk to the kitchen

Twenty Minutes Later-Delilah's POV

I start to make fake waking up sounds as I roll around before I lean up and squint my eyes from the bright lighting in the living room (this reaction is genuine).

When my eyes have adjusted to the light, I turn my body to sit up as blankets begin to fall from my body. Realizing this now, I might have actually slept for a few minutes because I could have sworn Mrs. May wasn't awake or here an hour ago.

I was awake when Peter put blankets on me and pillows under me (in which he was very careful as to where his hands went), but I think his aunt has been here the whole time.

"Good morning, Rosie." Ned smiles from the table

"Good morning." I nod as I wipe my eyes clear of sleepers

"Come eat, there's a breakfast feast over here."

I nod again at his words, pushing myself up from the couch and walking over to the dining room to see that there is indeed a feast of breakfast foods.

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