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Two Hours Later-Irish Hotel-Sarah's POV

"Nat..?" I start


"I can't sleep."

"Me neither Kid, me neither." she rolls over in the enlightened room to face me

"Do you ever think you'll have a future outside of your job?"

"What kind of future?"

"One not depending on if death is around the corner, one that allows you to find hope in more than a good day at work?" I watch her expressions

"You're asking me if I plan on settling down?"


"With a guy?"

"Settling down doesn't have to be with a guy, but if that's your plan than okay." I chuckle

"I've always wanted to be a mom. My past will not be letting that happen-but if I did want kids, I think I would adopt."

"You could get a surrogate."

"Yeah, but that's if I find a guy. Though, by what the government said to me a few years ago in the courthouse-I don't think adoption would be permitted for me." Nat sighs as she rolls onto her back

I hum

"What about you?" she asks

"What about me?" I retort

"You have any plans for your future?"

"I don't even know if I have a future to think of plans for."

"Okay..how about within the next few weeks? Any plans for then?" she turns and looks at me again

"Not really. I've been wanting to talk to Steve about moving schools. We sort of talked about it yesterday, but we only had so much time and there wasn't much to discuss."

"Moving schools? Why? I mean..other than what happened last month..and the school dance..and the first day of-okay. Never mind, I think I understand why." she nods

"I like some of the kids at the school i've been going to, but that's not important."

"It is important." Nat insists

"You really think so?"

"Didn't you used to?"

"When?" I look over

"Before 1950."

I gulp down some air, trying to get a secure grasp on her words-knowing she's one of the only people I know who's allowed to talk to me like that.

"I don't remember." I admit

"I think you do."

"I don't let myself remember."

"Why not?" she asks carefully

"It's easier for me to live in reality and deal with it than dream of what I want and be let down."

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