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July 4 2015-Avenger Compound-Steve's POV

I wake up to see a platter of breakfast-in-bed set out on a rolling cart with four notes on top of the platter.

I feel like i'm on the other side of what Bucky used to do for my Ma on Mother's Day.

As I sit up in bed, I stretch my arms and legs before getting Friday to take the noise cancellation off my room for the day. As far as I know, Bucky and Sarah haven't had any nightmares since they got here, but they might know that Friday can mute their rooms to be sound proof if they ask her too. Plus, I think Sarah's too afraid of Friday to talk to her and not shake while talking.

I sit up and move the platter onto my lap before uncovering the lid of the plate of food to find burned toast, some fresh fruit and sunny side up eggs.

Bucky made me breakfast

I thought my smile couldn't get any bigger until I begin reading the notes that were left on the platter.

I hope today is as Patriotic as you-Nat

Happy Birthday, Cap.-Sam

I chuckle at those two before setting them down and grabbing my fork to start eating. As I start eating the eggs I grab the note from Bucky, which is much longer than the first two.

Dear Stevie,

You are one of the best people I have ever met, no matter how many times I call you an idiot, or a punk, or anything that is slightly insulting to Sarah, you are one of my favorite people in the world.

I know that me being here is another thing for you to worry about, but thank you for handling it so well and helping me feel less guilty about it. There's no one who is alive on this Earth who I am more thankful for than you (other than Sarah, Peggy and Katherine).

Thank you for Sarah

She's the other best person I have met and I can't show you how thankful I am because in all honesty, I don't know because I don't have the power to. You two are what keep me here, what gives me some stability.

I'm so happy you were able to find a group of people like this over the course of the past few years of you being out of the ice. They all seem like great people, you deserve that and so much more.

I wish that I could give you more than just a letter and a hug for your birthday but you always seem to like the fireworks just a little more than anything I used to get for you.

Happy Birthday, you patriotic son of a beautiful woman.

P.S. I'm sorry about the toast. I can cook better than you, but it doesn't mean i'm good at it.

Love you, buddy

By the time I get done reading this, I have tears in my eyes, apparently it can get much worse than just a few tears because I have yet to read the letter from Sarah.

Dear Steve,

Happy Birthday

I don't really know what to say in this, I've never done this before.

Thank you for all that you've done for me throughout my life of knowing you, including before I was born and those few days of last November.

You raise my hope in humanity even just a little bit.

I'm happy that God gave me you as my father and nobody else because of reasons that some are even beyond my knowledge of. After all those years of being away from civilization, i'm glad you're one of the people who saved me.

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