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February 25 2016-MidtownHS-Sarah's POV

Principal Morita guides me into the office while Mr. Garcia sits in a chair, moving his hands in an anxious manner.

"Mr. Garcia thought it would be best if we brought in your father so he could figure out if you were or are being harmed by anyone at home." the principal asks

"You couldn't have just told him who my father is and left the rest for him to figure out?" I question

Mr. Garcia looks taken back by my statement because he most likely expects me say "He has no reason to fear that, my father is one of the most trustworthy people in the world."

Though, technically her father is Uncle James which makes her father one of the least trustworthy people in the world.

"Well then come in, Steve." I lean back and talk through the door

Steve walks in and sits to my right, easing my thoughts to automatically want to watch my teacher's reaction.

"C-Captain Rogers, it's an honor." Mr. Garcia states shakily as he stands up

Steve follows suit, shaking my math teacher's hand. They soon sit down, my father grabbing my hand as we both seem to feel more calm once he does so.

"Okay..so are we done here?" I gesture around with my left hand

"U-uhm, if he wants it to be." Mr. Garcia clears his throat nervously

Why does he seem scared of him?

My teacher isn't a bad guy, but is Steve really someone to fear?

And before any of you come at me, you know that I had reasons to "fear" my father, I was just bitter.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I thought Del-I don't actually know her name since I assume that her last name is yours instead. I though she might be getting hurt at home, I should have talked to the principal here first." Mr. Garcia apologizes

"I find that renewing of faith in humanity, there's no telling if a person could or would be getting hurt within their home..it tends to be the people the public leads expects." Steve nods

"I agree, but i'm sorry for assuming you would harm her in any way. Ms..does he parent you properly?" my teacher worries

"Yes, better than most of the people I knew while I was growing up." I nod

"Alright, well I'll let you get back to class."

I nod and dismiss myself, standing and hugging my father around his shoulders as he remains sitting.

Six Hours Later-Midtown HS-Delilah's POV

Steve chuckles before jogging towards me, stopping and picking me up my under arms and spinning me around. I let out a laugh, kissing the cheek of his helmet.

When he sets me down on the sidewalk, he puts his hands around my curl covered head and pulls it to him. He places a kiss on my forehead from under the chin of the helmet before letting go of me and grabbing my hand to guide me back to the motorcycle.

"That should show the kids you go to school with, that I don't abuse you." he says quietly through his helmet

"After that, I'm not sure what would."

"Maybe if I showed up in my uniform one day." my father chuckles

"Haha, no." I shut down

"Are you embarrassed of me?" he asks in a slightly sad tone

"No, I just don't want to risk anything happening to you."

"But it's my job to protect you." he says in disappointment

The Black Knightress (Back up for fulls)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz