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May 6 2015-Sarah's Room-Sarah's POV

"You ready?" Uncle James asks from my bedroom door

"As I can be, I guess." I reply as I shrug on my leather jacket

"You're gonna do great, just like Nat said last month 'be vague'." Steve says from the door

"I'm dressed for a funeral." I chuckle at my outfit

"You look fine, I don't see any problems."

"It's my death day, I gotta wear black." I laugh before walking to the door

" I laugh before walking to the door

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"No. No more death jokes." Steve whines

"You have a lot to be caught up on." Uncle James points at Steve

They walk me though the personal building to get me to the main building, once we get there Natasha and Sam meet up with us and the escort me to the press room. I hear the cacophony behind the doors, when my fingers begin to twitch.

"Okay Sarah look, they're gonna be asking some very harsh questions in that room. If at any point you need to leave, tap any us on the hand three times and we'll end the conference. Okay?" Natasha asks

"Are you guys gonna be standing close?" I ask

"Unless you don't want us to." Uncle James says softly

"I need you to." I say before fixing the collar of my jacket

"Let's go." Sam cuts in as he goes to push the door open

"Stare straight at the stage until you get up there, little tip for ya." Natasha mentions

I move my gaze to the stage, Happy gives me a smile when he sees me walking in. When I get to the stage, I see Uncle James walk around me and go sit in the flood of press agents on a chair just underneath the camera. He gives me an encouraging nod, leaving me to walk up the stage with the helping hand of Happy Hogan.

Once i'm up the stage, Sam, Steve and Natasha find spots in between Tony and Dr. Cho who is now working here full time, I believe. The orders from people who are watching on television is

Tony Natasha Me Steve Sam Dr. Cho

"Sarah, your name is Sarah correct?" I'm first asked

"Yes." I confirm into the microphone

"When were you born?"

"Can we move onto the more interesting questions?" Tony leans into the microphone

"Where did the Avengers find you?" a person asks

"Sokovia." I answer

"When they find you?"

"November of this past year."

"Almost just before Ultron could get you, that is strangely perfect timing." they start

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