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February 9 2016
Avenger Compound
Sarah's POV

"Heyyyy, Knighty's back!!" Sam exclaims from somewhere

I feel pats on my back to turn and see Nat with a small smile on her face, one that also has relief clear across her ageless skin. Sam's got his own smile across his, people soon crowding around my father and I.

There's a speckling of familiar faces that look as excited as Sam does while my heart is being overflowed by the concern and excitement that these people seem to be feeling for me.

But there's one person I want to see just as much as Steve.

And he's not within the entire lobby of this room.

"Where's Uncle James?" I ask as I look to Steve

"He's gone into quite the dark place since you went missing."

"Where is he?"

"Probably sleeping, you wanna go see him?" Steve asks with a smile

I give him a look that I'm assuming came across as "well, duh" because soon he's taking me from his torso to set me on the floor and grabbing my hand so we don't lose each other in the applauding crowd.

My father runs us through the halls, him laughing joyously as he squeezes his hand for me to be there this time. After the "short" run, we get up to the apartment door for him to burst through and guide us to his room.

When we get to the door way, he hides me around the trim and relaxes his body as best he can for the news he's about to share.

"What was all that noise downstairs?" Uncle James asks in a monotone voice

"People being loud, I guess."

"You guess?" I hear him turn as he asks


"You haven't seen Thor at all, have you?" his voice is filled with dread

"No, but I saw someone better." Steve grabs my upper arms

"What could be better? The next time that we see him is the next time we see Sarah." I hear Uncle James stand up

"I didn't see Thor because this girl walked in by herself." Steve states as he moves me in front of him

Uncle James' eyes are drained of light like they were when I met him, they have small bags forming which I didn't know that a super soldier could have bags under their eyes. His hair is greasy to the point where i'm convinced he's been shampooing with olive oil-and his heart beat is painfully slow.

Who knew emotions could overcome a person so much?

It's easy to ignore when you look and feel like that too, but right now..I don't.

"Oh my G*d." Uncle James gasps

Before I'm able to get any words out, I'm wrapped in a hug that he stumbled into-not that I'm opposed to them, it's just a really tight one. I manage to pull my arms from his clenched grasp to wrap them around his neck as I let my legs hang from his hold around my torso.

He keeps tugging me closer, almost as if he doesn't believe that i'm here-though I kind of did that with Steve when I got here. We take deep breaths in and let them out just as slow, breathing ourselves into the hug that we've both been wanting for the past month.

"I missed my dads so much." I sniffle over my uncle's shoulder

"We missed you too." they respond as I feel Steve's hand on my left shoulder

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