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The Next Morning-07:30-Steve's POV

As I wake up in my for some reason, dark room-I think about Sarah's uniform she built. I take in each detail while i'm not even looking at it in front of my face.

I gotta fix it.

There was something missing.

I climb out of bed while wrapped up in a blanket, walking as quiet as I can to Sarah's room. When I get into the room, I grab her "new" uniform along with the knee pads from my 2015 suit and a few needles with some left over thread hanging from them.

I rush back to my room while I continue to ignore my headache, strangely confused on why I feel this way. As I sit down on my bed, I start planning out on how to get these knee pads sewn on so her knees can't get hurt through the fabric. While I plan this, I also get a quick idea to do something for her suit that I once did to one of mine.

Once i've gotten my plan, I begin stitching on the knee pads until i'm pulling it with my strength and the thread is going to snap from how tight I've sewn it. When i've finished that, I sneak over to a box at the bottom of my closet to see the suit I went down in the ice in which also is the suit I wore when I fell from the helicarrier last year.

I grab a pencil from my desk drawer to begin to draw a small rectangle from the suit to take from it. When i've gotten the small piece of fabric graphed, I grab a needle with white thread and begin threading my last name into the area. Once i've gotten the letters done, I tie the thread knots to get rid of the loose ends.

After i've completed the task, I hold it up and grab the scissors and cut it from the suit. As much history was lived in this suit, I love and hate it for that exact reason. Though, I love it for getting me to this point so I could save Bucky and Sarah.

When i've gotten the piece taken from it, I stitch it onto her "new" suit under where the star is-extremely amazed by how perfect her stitch work is.

Sarah's POV

Once i'm changed into my newly made uniform for the mission tonight, I sit on the roof of the compound, my legs hanging from the side as I look out over the trees into the city. A long flash of light is seen in the sky, it looks as if it could be a shooting star but it's more yellow..and it's day time.

"You could jump, no promise i'm gonna catch you though." the voice almost makes me fall from the rooftop

I turn to see a woman with long blonde hair in a blue uniform with gold and red details.

"Who are you?" I ask the woman

"Fury knows me."

"Fury knows everybody." I shrug as I get up and walk to her

"Who are you?"

"Cap's daughter."

"I don't have any kids.." she lifts her eyebrow

"I didn't say you do."

"I'm a Captain."

"So is my father." I nod slowly

"Ohh, that Captain. The first one, Fury told me about him a few decades back."

"Uhuh, what are you doing here?" I ask again

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