"So, you'll keep my secret?" Kara asked.

"As long as you promise that you won't give interviews to any other media outlets. I won't ask for Superman's identity because that's not your secret to tell, or any other heroes." Cat said.

"You also can't use me as your private bodyguard." Kara said.

"Wouldn't dream of it. Besides, I doubt anyone in this city has the courage to come after me besides the people you'd normally stop." Cat said and Kara nodded, since that was true, considering the fact that the only people who'd had the nerve to attack Cat Grant were Reactron, Livewire and Silver Banshee.

"Deal." Kara said.

"Now, back to work. Supergirl might save lives, Kiera Danvers is still my little minion who does what she's told." Cat said and Kara nodded as she quickly hurried out back to her desk with the intent to make some phone calls to let the rest of the team know that Cat knew who she was and that it wouldn't be a problem. And honestly, now that Kara thought about it, she suspected that even after she and J'onn had pulled that trick Cat at Catco years ago on Earth 38, Cat had never truly fallen for it and that would explain a lot and why Cat always seemed to put up with her.

At the same time as this was happening, Esme was playing with her friends on the playground at school during recess, completely unaware that she had an audience. An audience that her mother would have mixed feelings about, since while she wouldn't want anyone stalking her child, she would be happy to see the person who was watching Esme.

Anyways, across the street from the school was a someone that at first sight, people might mistake for Supergirl's mother Alura. But the white streak in her otherwise auburn hair showed that she was someone else.

General Astra In-Ze, sister of Alura Zor-El and aunt of Kara Zor-El, was sitting on a bench across the street, pretending to read her niece's article in Catco Magazine, her usual military uniform having been replaced by what she'd come to realize was typical human fashion, a dark shirt with black leather jacket, jeans and combat boots and her eyes were concealed by sunglasses.

She'd been keeping an eye on Esme ever since her niece had revealed herself to the world and Astra had thought that protecting Esme might help her win Kara over to her side. Though now, watching the little girl she knew Kara called her daughter, it was actually weakening Astra's resolve slightly.

However, she was pulled from her thoughts when she heard someone sit down next to her.

"I thought I'd find you here again." her husband Non said.

"I thought I told you not to disturb me Non. You have your orders." Astra said, a feeling of revulsion towards her husband emerging, something that had been happening more and more lately as Astra was reminded that she'd never married Non for love, they had been a genetic match, unlike her sister, who'd been lucky enough to be able to marry Zor-El for love, something that Astra was envious of. A feeling that had only been intensified when Non had failed to give her the thing she desired most. A child of her own and Non had made it clear that he had no intentions of ever wanting kids. Something Astra was deeply against and also why she'd been so close to Kara in the first place, since her sister's daughter was the closest thing she'd ever get to having a child of her own and Alura had indulged her in that.

"I was concerned. You've been spending more and more time here every day. At first I could understand, trying to win your niece's favor by protecting the little brat she calls her daughter, but now Astra, it would appear that she is clouding your judgment. You care more for the wellbeing of one girl than you do our entire plan." Non said.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand the bond a parent feels to their child. Kara will not be responsive to our efforts right now, so I need to gain her trust and win her over before we proceed or else our plans will fail." Astra said.

"You really believe that your niece, who has spent years indoctrinating herself among the humans and pathetically calls herself one of them, hiding who she is to fit in, will ever join us?" Non asked her incredulously.

"What are you implying?" Astra asked dangerously.

"That while I hope you're right, I am also prepared for the possibility that you're wrong and if you are." Non said.

"I ordered that she remain unharmed. If you violate that order, whatever you do to her I will inflict ten times that onto you." Astra said angrily.

"Then I hope for your sake and hers that your plan works. I will return to the others and I suggest you do so as well soon." Non said as he left her alone to think about what he said and while he hoped she would see things his way, he knew a different outcome was more likely.

Sure enough, the gears were turning in Astra's head and she quickly realized that no matter how she looked at it, she had to make a choice. Her husband and their plan or her niece and her family. And it did not take long for her to make her choice.

Second Chances: Supergirl - Rough DraftWhere stories live. Discover now