(25)Year 2:What did Riddle do?

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3rd Person POV

Harry limps past the Basilisk's corpse, and, dropping the sword and falling to his knees.He crawls towards Ginny once more as Riddle walks toward them,is still carrying JaVaniana.

Riddle sits JaVaniana down on the ground and says. "Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body. I guess you have little more than a minute to live.You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry."

Harry extends his left hand to Ginny's again while Riddle continues. "Funny..the damage a silly little book can do..especially in the hands of a silly little girl."

Harry looks at the diary in Ginny's arm and carefully pulls it out, placing it on the floor between her and the Basilisk fang. "What are you doing?"

Harry picks up the Basilisk fang and holds it up while staring at Riddle, who immediately realizes what Harry is about to do. "Stop. No!"

Harry stabs one of the diary's pages with the fang as Riddle steps forward to try and stop him; Riddle's body crumbles.Giving a discharge of yellow light; ink starts to ooze from the diary, Riddle recoils and growls with rage; Harry pries the fang out.

Riddle attempts to attack, but Harry stabs the other page, crippling Riddle, and causing him to crumble further; Harry closes the diary and stabs the cover with the Basilisk fang; Riddle screams in agony and disintegrates into yellow particles; shortly after Riddle's demise, Ginny awakens, hyperventilating, and sits up.

Harry looks at Ginny and say. "Ginny."

Ginny turned to face him. "Harry, it was me. But, I swear, I didn't mean to... Riddle made me. And..."

Notices Harry's injury. "Harry... you're hurt."

Harry, covering his wound, looks at Ginny and says, "Don't worry. Ginny, you need to get yourself out. Follow the Chamber, and you'll find Ron."

Fawkes emits his song again; Harry and Ginny both look down the corridor to see him flying towards them; he swoops around the Basilisk's body, and lands in between them, then steps over to Harry. "You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough." Fawkes emits a soft grunt, then lowers his head to Harry's wound, and cries on it; the wound.

Minculously disappears; Ginny stares in amazement lifting his healed arm.Fawkes grunts affirmatively as Harry glances at him. "Thanks."

Look at Ginny "It's all right, Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory. Wait JaVa"

The Fawkes is holding JaVa. Fawkes the flies Lockhart, Ron, Harry, and Ginny out of the Chamber of Secrets. Fawkes carries the 5 of them up towards the opening of a cave as the moon can be seen above them.

The other kids just didn't see the fact that there are vines creeping up her neck.

After a while everyone got to school while JaVaniana is unconsuion in Dumbledore's office after a while she wakes up to Dumbledores saying."Well, she can speak Parseltongue. Why? Because, Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken,after Harry, he transferred some of his powers to JaVaniana the night he disappeared. And it doesn't help that she is his daughter.And what ever he put in her it can alter her thoughts and maybe turn her into her mother. "

I sit up and say. "Voldemort transferred something... into me?So I am turning evil."

I then I just say. "I don't care what happened. Punish me if you want.I just want to see Draco,Pasny,and Luna.I mean not Luna.I just want to go can I."

He just nodded and Igot up and walked away.I guess he saw a vine disappear.But the door to the office opens, Dumbledore glances past me, who turns around; Lucius Malfoy steps in to the office, standing behind him is Dobby. I look at Dobby and wave at him with a smile. Dobby nervously looking at JaVa and fearfully glances up at Lucius.

Lucius through cinched teeth and says. "I'll deal with you later."

Dobby cowers and whimpers; Lucius pulls out his walking stick and walks toward Dumbledore's desk, followed by Dobby; as he walks up the steps. "Out of my way. So... it's true. You have returned."

Professor Dumbledore then trys to pull me tows himself while he see's the vines grow almost to my eyes and say. "When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back."

Lucius angrily says. "Ridiculous!" And he walks to me and grabes my arm and we leave. Without draco but He says. "I hope this thing speed up."

The New Witch(HP fanfic)Year 1-2Where stories live. Discover now