(10)Year 1: Mirror and Norbert

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Me and Ron was waiting for Harry but I had a bad feeling my stomach so I get up and say. "I will be back." Ron node his head.I slowly walk out then whe I get out of the door I say. " Bye Brünnhilde." 

After that I run to where my gut told me to go.A door opens,so I slide in and then it closes.On the other side, there is a vast, empty room that has a large mirror in the center, known as the Mirror of Erised.I walk over to the mirror. 

In the reflection, I saw sees two people appear but it was 2 blurry people who are by me i felt like my it looked like a man and women like my mom and dad that disowned my but at the same time they felt important to me.I run to the girl's dormitory in slytherin house.

Back in the room. Pansy appeared and said. "Out late again with thoses griffendorks."I just laugh and say. "Ya but they were the first ones I talked to. It isn't their fault."I start to walk to my bed and she says."Just watch out you might not like them at the end of the year."I stop and hug her and say. "I know but you need to sleep goodnight."

The next night, I went back to the room where the mirror's, gazing longingly at the reflection where the 2 people's details appearing slowly are in the mirror. Dumbledore appears far behind me.

Dumbledore says. '"Back again, JaVa?I see that you, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is." 

I look at him and say. "So, then it shows us what we want? Whatever we want?"

Dumbledore whilst looking at the mirror. "Yes...and no. It shows others nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you, who have never met these people yet but they are like and will be like family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth.Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not dwell on future things for you, and forget to live."

 I look back at the mirror, knowing that Dumbledore is right.

A few days later. It's spring time now.

A voice in her head say's."Get the philosopher's stone from under the dog and us Harry."A and she see a dog then opsicals and a mirror with a stone in Harry's hand.JaVa runs to the trio and whisper."Guys I wanted to tell you I know what's under the trapdoor...the Philosopher's Stone!" 

They look at each other in concern. It is nighttime in the castle grounds, Hermione, Ron and Harry are running across to Hagrid's hut while JaVa is acting like she is asleep fora bit.

Like 10 minutes later she teleports to Hagrid's hut.She say the giant is wearing an apron and oven mitts, opens it from the inside.

JaVa gasp."You have a dragon so cute.All she heard was the others laugh.Norbert squeaks as it looks at Hagrid.Harry then said. "What his name is Norbert?"

Hagrid looks away from the dragon and says. "Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he? Don't you, Norbert?" He raises fingers back and forth across Norbert's chin.Norbert backs away, until he hiccups and blasts a small fireball into Hagrid's beard.

Hagrid whispers. "Ohh!" He quickly pats out the smolders in his beard JaVa puts her wand to his bed and say's. "Aguamenti '' Little water came out and the fire was gone, he said. "well...he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course."

 Norbert hiccups. Hagrid sees someone looking in the window. "Who's that?" It turns out to be Draco Malfoy, who scampers away.I ran out to chase him.She felt someone grab her Then the trio arrived and they stopped as McGonagall, in her nightgown, appeared sternly.

McGonagall says. "Good evening." Then, Malfoy appears smugly beside her but looks at Java and then couldn't looked back at her.Inside McGonagall's classroom, the 3 are now standing in front of McGonagall's desk, while Malfoy is feet away, smirking.

McGonagall sternly. "Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken. Each. And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all 5 of you will receive detention."

Malfoy nods, then his smile vanishes with great concern. Draco stops her and says. "Excuse me, Professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said...'the 5 of us'."

McGonagall then says. "No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You'll serve detention with your classmates." 

Java giggles while Harry, Ron and Hermione grin, as Draco sags, knowing that the tables have turned.

We was all walking to the dormitory when we seperated I grabed Draco's hand and huged him saying."Never do that agian."Then we get in and I hug him agian and I said."Good night Draco." Then I go my bed.

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