(6)Year 1:This'll Be Fun

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The day was going slow so I went out on the courtyard.I have a l broom that McGonagall let me practice on before I was allowed to it was my gift for my 8th birthday the Nimbus 2000.I just practice to fly like I am in a game.

I act like I am a Chaser and a Keeper for 20 minuets but did a seeker for only 10.I was trying to see if I can glide in the air while I stand on the broom and fly.I didn't see anyone come outside.But Outside in the courtyard, day time. Oliver and Harry appear, carrying a trunk.Then I hear someone say."Hey kid that is dagores."When I heard it I flew to them and jumped off the broom.

I see Harry and Oliver."Oh hello Mr.Oliver and Hi Harry am I in your way at all."I say holding the broom.They put down the trunk thcarrying both were .They both looked at me with a smile but Oliver's looked like a surprised one he says."It is ok I was here to show Potter the balls in the game and the basics of it."

I looked at Oliver and nodded and said."WellI will be back here then and I won't get in your way."I get on my broom and go far from them but and see.Oliver picking up the red ball called the Quaffle.The chasers handle the Quaffl.

It looks like he is Pointng at the hoops in the Quidditch pitch in the distance.Throws are for the keeper,I remember from Dad.I see him throw a ball to Harry.Then he throws it back andpoints to two squirming chained down balls.Then hands Harry a small bat. Oh I know this will be fun.He bends down and releases one ball. 

With an angry growl, it flies off into the air. The two boys watch it.The balls comes whizzing down, and Harry cracks at it with the bat. The ball soars off through a statue, surprisingly without damaging it.The ball zooms down, I fly to it and help Oliver, wriggle it back in the box. He succeeds and is out of breath.

I look at him."Sorry I was just watching I will go now."I lied I hide behind a tree.I don't want to leave harry he makes me feel home.Better then at home with mom.I see Oliver hands Harry a walnut sized golden ball.

The ball flutters out two delicate wings and jumps into the air. Harry keeps an eye on it but I can also see how beautiful it is even if I can't see it really by a far.I realize I have class.So I run with my broom then teleport it to my bed.In Professor Flitwick's class.Filtwick's very short, and is standing on a lot of books to see his class.

Flitwick ask a question"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" Hermione raises hers like always.He goes bake and talk."Good.Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm?The swish and flick.

Everyone."All including Flitwick says "The swish and flick."Flitwick then says."Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then."The class begin to enunciate and doing the movements on their feathers.Everyone is doing it and saying."Wingardium Levio-saaa."After 2 minutes, me and Hermonie are the only ones that got the feather to lift.Then an almighty explosion flashes. 

Flitwick gasps, as Ron and Hermione turn to the source of the explosion We see that Seamus is charred again with his feather, now smoldering to ashes. Harry, Ron and Seamus are walking through a courtyard with other students all around. I'm walking behind these boys wit Ron and Hary byt Hermonie was by me to.

Ron starts to mimic Hermione and says."It's Levioooosa, not Leviosaaaar.She's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends!"I see Hermione rushes past Ron, hugging her books and sniffling in tears. 

I push in between Ron and a boy and says."Nice job Weasly nice bloody job I thought you were better Potter."I'm looking at them and Ron said."Shut it Clockesenss I am not in a house that was created by Salazar Slytherin, who valued ambition, shrewdness – and purebloods – above all other ones."

I look at him shocked and a voice in my head says.'Don't listen to a traitor darling.His family's one.'I turn and says."Good luck traitor."I am running where Hermine went and like 1 minue alter.

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