(22) Year 2: Affected

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For days after the Duel Cloud thing.All of the Slytherin have treated my like a queen almost.When I walk the halls everyone look scared or angry.I'd just be walking and I hear the voice telling me thing and it would make me actually freeze these kids till I had no emotions about it.

I have done at least 5 kids in the span of a week.But Now the voice says. "Go to the forest there are people trying to hurt your friends"

I just sneak into a part of the common room no one can see me Teleport in the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. I see Harry and Ron exit the cabin and glance to their left at the window, to see the spiders scurrying out the window, down the side of the house, towards the Forbidden Forest.

The voice comes out and says. "You know what, let's just play with them."

I just whisper. "Yes, Sir."

I see Harry walk closer to the forest, carrying a lantern; Ron reluctantly by him walking too. I just found spiders and made more and more and they went to the boys.Numerous spiders are descending from a massive hive high above towards Harry and Ron.

I saw Ron look my way and said. "JaVaniana? Is that you."

I looked at him.I whisper to the voice. "This doesn't feel right.It is just Harry and Ron I am leaving."

All I heard was the voice yell."NOOOO"

I turned to the tree and teleported to my bed.After some time I was crying a little.Pansy walked in and sat on her bed and said."Why are you crying Miss Snaky."

I have not really got along with her I just say. "You know just tired Good Night Pansy."

After all the girls were here we all fell asleep.The next day I was walking with Draco and out of nowhere I got light headed and sat down till.

Professor McGonagall on the speakers. "All students are to return to their house dormitories at once.All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately."

I looked at Draco and he ran to find someone but when he came back it was with Luna.I was starting to get dizzy and couldn't see.I just felt my head hit the bench then it all went black.

-3rd Person POV:-

Draco and Luna hurry to the second floor corridor while Draco is holding me. In the section where the bloody message is, Professors McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, Madam Pomfrey, and Filch run up to the wall, where Professor McGonagall directs their attention to a newly written message.

Professor McGonagall says. "As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message."

Harry and Ron walk into the corridor behind them. "Our worst fear has been realized, a student has been taken by the monster into the Chamber itself. The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts."

Lockhart happily walking up to the group and says. "So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?" Grins at Snape and McGonagall.

They all start to talk till Professor McGonagall says. "Ginny Weasley." Harry and Ron straighten up in shock; Ron quavers slightly.

Professor McGonagall sadly walks away, along with the other staff; a second later, Snape follows them, revealing the newly written message, which reads "Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever and there will be another soon will lie for the future and she is in the process of the future." Till Draco and Luna came.

Draco says. "Professors, we need help. She has fainted and is feeling colder and colder."

Snape takes JaVaniana. Snape says. "We will go to my class."

They go there and all it is, is all of the Professor are helping while Draco and Luna is holding JaVaniana and she was a long table.After 20 minutes JaVaniana eyes opened and gasp for air.

Professor McGonagall push me down to the table.She tighten her hands and feals people hand.When she looked at who it was she saw it was Draco and Luna.

But McGonagal says. "Mrs.JaVaniana I would like you to be on extra supervision."When the Professor listened to her.Javaniana sat up and the 2 kids let go and nod but they let them go.

The New Witch(HP fanfic)Year 1-2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora