(9)Year1:First Christmas Gift

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After I woke up to see snow out the window and frozen lake.It's now the start of Christmas break at Hogwarts, with snow falling. Hagrid's dragging a Christmas tree to the castle.

I was at the Slytherin table waiting to say goodbye to Draco.Then Draco walks to the Great Hall entrance with a elf carrying his luggage and wearing a scarf as the ghosts are singing Christmas songs.

Draco comes to me and says."Hey JaVa one of my elfs got my stuff so I need to go."

I look at him and grab a necklace that looks like a silver chain with his name on the green gem in silver.In side it has a picture of Me and Draco in the hallway running when he opens the locket.

In side it has a picture of Me and Draco in the hallway running when he opens the locket

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I say. "Happy Christmas Draco."When draco opened it he smiled.When he looked at me."I didn't make you anything but Happy Christmas JaVa."I get up and shake his hand.

Then he left so when he let the Great Hall I went to Harry and Ron and watched them play chess but them.JaVa, Harry, and Ron would have small talk and watch them do chess.

Hermione walks to the Great Hall entrance with her luggage and wearing a scarf.

Hermione looks from the massive Christmas tree as Flitwick uses his wand for another ornament on the tree to Harry and Ron as they play Chess and walks towards them.

Harry says to the chess board. "Knight to E5."The Knight moves to its destination.Hermione walks behind Harry and puts her hand on JaVa's shoulder.

Ron with a smug face says. "Queen to E5.''Hermione watches as Ron's queen goes over to Harry's knight and whacks the knight with her chair.Ron grins.Hermione with a shocked face sits next to JaVa and says. "That's totally barbaric!''

Ron Looks over to Hermione and says. "That's wizard's chess.I see you've packed.''

Hermione then says."See y'all haven't."Ron looks at her. "Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie.He's studying dragons there.''I look at Hermione.

 They don't know that I'm disowned soI said. "My family is going on a trip and I wanted to stay here."

They didn't look confused so Hermione said."Good, you can help Ron and Harry, then. Harry's going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

Ron looks at me and says."Even though we've seen each other 100 times."I giggle, then she gets up and Hermione leans over on the table closer to Ron and Harry and says, "Not in the restricted section.Happy Christmas."

 Hermione leaves Me ,Ron and Harrywith that she looks at me and I wave at her.

She waved back when Ron looked at Harry and said. "I think we've had a bad influence on her.''I laugh a little and say. "I don't know she's kinda cool."Ron put his head on the table and JaVa and Harry looked at each other and started to laugh. It's now Christmas morning.

 Ron woke Harry up and JaVa didn't want to sleep in the slytherin dorms alone so she slept in the bay window. 

Ron screamed from downstairs."Harry woke up! Come on JaVa you too, wake up!"Harry puts on his glasses and runs out of bed.

So did Java then look at Ron, he looks up at Harry."Happy Christmas, Harry and JaVa."Harry and JaVa at the same time. "Happy Christmas, Ron."

Harry notices Ron's sweater and says. "What are you wearing?"

Ron Looks down at sweater and Looking back up at Harry and says. "Oh. My mum made it.It looks like you've got one too."

Harry smile and looks at me and say. "I-I've got presents?"Ron Nods Yeah Harry and I run down the staircase to see his presents I knew I had no present.I didn't makes them anything anyways.

 Ron looks at Harry and say's. "There they are."Harry sees a note on the present and opens it, reading it out. Harry says, reading the note. "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."

 Harry looks over to Ron, who shrugs his shoulders. Harry then proceeds to open the remainder of his present. He pulls out a blanket like object.

Ron says. "What is it?" Harry looking down at the object and says. "It's some kind of cloak."Ron stuffs candy in his face while JaVa watch and he say's. "Well, let's see then, put it on."Harry then wraps the cloak around his shoulders, making his body invisible.

 Ron just says. "Whoa!" Harry looks down at his invisible body and say's. "My body's gone!" JaVa gets up and say's. "That's an invisibility cloak.Wicked"

 Harry says with a surprised face. "I'm invisible?"Harry spins around, looking down at himself. Ron say's. "They're really rare."Ron looks down at the note and goes on to say. "I wonder who gave it to you?" Harry now also looking down at the note and says."There was no name. It just said use it well."

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