Chapter 25

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The weekend went by much too slowly for my liking. I texted Chuck a couple times to try to see him, but he stuck to his grading excuse. I knew he was bluffing at this point, but I figured I would see him Monday no matter what. I busied myself with work and homework to keep my mind from wandering to fantasies about Chuck too much.

On Monday I woke up excited. The weather had turned over the weekend, with it now being mid October, and it was now too cold for my summer sundresses. Still wanting to keep Chuck on his toes, I opted for a mini skirt with sheer tights and some booties. Our first 'tutoring' session was today and I was excited to see what Chuck had in store for me.

When I got to class, Chuck was already there even though the room was mostly empty. He looked up from his computer as I came in and gave me a smile. I smiled back and found my seat in the front row as usual. I found a note on my table awaiting me. I quickly read it before Mel arrived.

We'll tutor at my place tonight. 7:00. Bring clothes for tomorrow if you'd like.

I smiled and looked up at Chuck. Our eyes met and he winked at me. I bit my lip as I turned away, hiding the blush on my face.

After class I headed to my car for my supplies for Andy's class. As I pulled things out of my trunk, a car pulled into the space next to mine. Zac emerged from the car, a smile on his face.

"Hi Win!" He said. I half smiled.

"Hey Zac," I said. "Listen, I hope there's no hard feelings."

"Why would there be?"

"I'm seeing someone, Zac." I said. He shrugged.

"I know, doesn't mean we can't still be friends," he said. I nodded slightly.

"Okay, as long as we're just friends."

"Just friends!"

Zac walked with me to Andy's classroom, talking non stop about his glass blowing projects. I asked how his class with Joan was going and he shrugged.

"It's going," he said. "I feel bad, Joan gets really clumsy in class sometimes and has broken a couple pieces."

"Really?" I asked. Joan was rarely clumsy except when she was nervous.

"Yeah I don't know, she's always nervous in our class." He said with a shrug. I sighed.

"Zac, has it ever occurred to you that maybe Joan likes you?" I asked him. Zac stopped in his tracks.

"Really? You think so?" He asked. I nodded. He continued walking to catch up to me.

"You're her friend," Zac said. "Do you know if she likes me?" I shrugged dramatically.

"I don't know, but maybe you should talk to her," I said pointedly. Zac nodded.

"I will," he said. He helped me get my things into the classroom before taking off for his own class.

My next painting in my series was giving me some difficulties. I wanted to paint something about how I felt right now - the anticipation of having sex with Chuck for the first time. But nothing came to me. I stared at a blank canvas for what felt like ages.

"Stuck?" Andy asked as he came around the room to where I was seated. I nodded.

"I can't figure out how to paint what I want," I said. Andy shrugged.

"Maybe it's just an off day," he said.

"Is it alright if I take off? I think I need to think about this," I said. He nodded.

"Do what you gotta do," he said, patting me on the shoulder. He headed off to help some other students. I threw all my things together and lugged them back to my car. I shot Chuck a text once I was about to leave campus.

I left class early today. Still 7:00 or can I come by sooner?

When I got home I checked for Chuck's reply.

I hope you didn't leave early on my account.

I smiled and sent him a text back.

No, just a bad painting day. I need some inspiration.

I went upstairs and got changed out of my painting clothes. I opted for a pair of jeans and a cute sweater, trying to be a little more casual than I had been in class. My phone pinged and I checked it.

Come by whenever then. Bring your supplies in case inspiration strikes you.

I smiled and quickly shot back a text that I would be leaving soon. I threw clothes for tomorrow and the things I'd need tonight in a bag and then rushed down to my car, eager to go to Chuck's.

The Art of Forbidden Romance (Student x Teacher) Where stories live. Discover now