Chapter 21

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Monday morning I got up a little extra early. It was another hot day, so I decided to dress accordingly while also keeping in mind that I wanted to make Chuck squirm a little. I slipped on a short denim skirt and a tank top with my sneakers. I took time to do my makeup and hair as well.

I threw my painting clothes into a bag, knowing I'd have to change for Andy's class later, and then took all my things to my car. I had extra time when I got to campus so I stopped to get coffee from Philz again, getting drinks for Mel, myself and Chuck.

The auditorium was empty when I showed up as it was still a little early, so I left Chuck's drink on his podium for him and then got seated. My skirt tightened around my hips and rose as I sat. I chewed the inside of my lip - hopefully this wasn't too much.

"Damn, Winnie," Mel said as she sat down next to me. "What's the occasion? You look so damn cute!" I smiled and shrugged.

"Nothing," I fibbed. "I just felt like dressing nice today." Mel eagerly took a sip of her iced tea that I brought her.

"Well James sure as hell is going to have a hard time resisting you now with your short ass skirt!" She laughed.

Chuck entered the room and made his way to his podium. Noticing the coffee, he looked up at me. Instantly his face turned a slight shade of pink as his eyes worked up my legs under the table to the rising hemline of my skirt. He quickly adverted his eyes and I couldn't help the sly smile across my face.

"Okay everyone," he announced, turning down the lights in the auditorium. "We're going to get started. I wanted to discuss the midterm real quick before jumping into things." Chuck looked up at the class as his PowerPoint came up on the projector. As he scanned the dimmed room, his eyes lingered on me again.

"Uh-" Chuck cleared his throat. "The midterm will consist of 50 multiple choice questions about the different pieces we've gone over. I don't believe in memorizing dates - but you should know what period everything is from.

"There will be 2 essay questions where you will have to write an explanation on the symbolism, fabrication and intent behind 2 pieces. I'll give you 6 to choose from. Any questions?"

A few hands shot up around the room and Chuck took their questions. Periodically he would have to ask the student to repeat their question, as he was finding it difficult not to glance over at me. I adjusted how I was sitting, slowly uncrossing my legs, hoping to flash Chuck at least a little glimpse of the lacy panties I wore under my skirt. He coughed mid sentence and I knew I had got him.

Chuck pushed through the lecture, only losing his train of thought a couple times. At the end of class I slowly packed up making sure to take my time. Chuck attempted to focus on his laptop many times but did not succeed. I caught him staring in my direction a couple times.

"Well he still seemed off this week," Mel said as we stepped out of the auditorium. I shrugged.

"Really, I didn't notice, he seemed fine to me," I said.

"He seemed distracted again," Mel commented. "He's probably getting burn out like everyone else." I nodded in agreement.

After gathering my things from my car, I made my way to Andy's room. I dropped off my painting from the last week and supplies in the room before leaving again to go change. As I stepped into the hall, someone called my name.


I turned around and found Zac striding towards me. I suppressed the urge to run and forced a smile.

"Oh, hey Zac," I said. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug and catching me off guard. When I didn't return the hug he awkwardly let me go.

"Er-uh-Sorry," he said. I took a step backwards.

"It's fine," I said.

"You look nice today," he said.

"Thanks," I said, desperate to leave. My prayers were answered and Joan appeared from around the corner, arms full of supplies.

"Hey Joan," Zac said. Joan looked up, her glasses sliding down her nose.

"Oh, hey Zac! Hey Winnie!" She said excitedly. She struggled with the items she was holding. "Zac, what are you doing here? Don't you have a glass blowing class right now?" Zac grabbed a couple things from her, allowing her to relax her arms a little.

"Yeah I do, but I needed to grab something from my locker before class," he said. "And I wanted to say hi to Winnie."

Joan looked over at me, a wave of emotion washing over her face. She blinked furiously.

"Oh," she said. "Okay. Well I'll see you later." Grabbing her things from Zac, Joan rushed into the classroom before I could say anything. I knew she was upset.

"Sorry I didn't text you," Zac said. "I've been busy."

"It's alright. Listen I gotta go get changed before class," I said, turning away from Zac and heading to the bathroom down the hall.

"Oh okay! See you later then, Win!" He called after me. I slipped into the bathroom and let out a huge sigh of relief. I quickly changed into my painting clothes before rushing back to class so I wouldn't be late. Joan had set up her easel a couple spaces away from me which was unusual.

"Joan, are you okay?" I asked. She looked up at me, her eyes full of tears before nodding and turning away. I looked over at Jackson. He came over to where I was standing next to my things.

"She likes Zac," he whispered. Everything suddenly clicked.

"God she thinks I do too doesnt she?" I asked him. Jackson nodded. "Well, I don't. I'm seeing someone."  Jackson looked taken aback.

"You are?" He asked. I nodded.

"It's new."

"Who is he?"

"He's older - Not a student," I said. Jackson raised his eyebrows. "I met him when I was at work." He shrugged.

"Well that's nice. You need to talk to Joan though," he said. "She needs to know you're not interested. Also tell Zac you're not too." I nodded.

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