See you soon- final chapter

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Jake got let out of the hospital wing a day later, he hated that he was on crutches again but he was also happy that it was the last day of school. Although he was going to miss Katie, he could still write to her and organise a day they can hang out at Diagon Alley. Harry hadn't visited Jake at all in the hospital wing and Jake was desperate to know why.

"Hi Harry" Jake said. Harry noticed his brother was there and he tried to walk away. Jake grabbed his arm fast. "What's wrong?" Jake asked.

"Let go of me Jake" harry said sternly. Jake frowned but he still didn't let go of his brother.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong" Jake said. Harry sighed.

"It's all my fault, that you got hurt" harry said frowning. He looked down at the ground disappointed in himself. "That's why I never went to see you in the hospital wing"

"Don't think it's your fault harry, it's really actually mine" Jake said letting go of Harry's arm. "I haven't really been paying attention to what you were up to this year and well I went into the chamber with little warning of what I was up against" Jake said. Harry looked up at him.

"But you shouldn't have gone into the chamber in the first place, this is my fight to fight Jake" harry said more harshly then he wanted to sound. Jake kept calm and scanned his brothers face.

"You can't fight this fight alone" Jake said. Harry scanned Jakes face then walked away. Jake was confused and he knew he needed to see Dumbledore straight away.
When Jake come to gargoyle statue he sighed because he didn't know the password.

"Jake what are you doing here?" His father asked from behind him. Jake turned towards him.

"I need to talk to Professor Dumbledore right away" Jake said. Severus raised his eyebrow.

"About what?" Severus asked curiously.

"Harry, I'm worried about him"

"Why can't you talk to me about it?" Severus asked feeling abit hurt.

"Because this is about the prophecy and I actually really don't care if you know" Jake said with pleading eyes. Severus nodded.

"Very well, I hope you don't mind if I'm up there with you" Severus said. "Fizzy whizz" he said to the gargoyle statue, it moved aside. Jake quickly got on the first step as the stairs rised. He knocked on the headmasters door before Severus had a chance to catch up.

"Come in" said Albus Dumbledores soft voice. Jake opened to door as Severus finally caught up with Jake. They walked in together. Jake, being on his crutches hopped over to a seat and sat down. Severus stayed standing. "I'm guessing it's Jake that wants to talk to me" ALBUS said. Jake and Severus both nodded. "Very well, go on"

"It's about harry, he believes that Voldemort will one day come back and that he has to fight this fight alone" Jake said.

"Well he is unaware that he doesn't" Albus said adjusting his half moon glasses.

"I know that but I think we should tell him" Jake said. "You know about the prophecy"

"I'm going to disagree with you there Jake, I don't think we should tell Harry until the right moment, not until the dark lord has risen again" Dumbledore said. Severus nodded in agreement.

"Harry will go looking for the dark lord if he knows that one of you two must be the one to defeat him" Severus said. Jakes eyes widened.

"Wait... What?" Jake asked.

"Did you not listen to the prophecy Jake?" Severus asked.

"It said that the boy born at the end of July will defeat the dark lord" Jake said.

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