Dumbledores Gone

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A week later Hermione noticed that Katie and Jake hadn't kissed all week. "Hey harry, what's up with Katie and Jake?" Hermione asked clueless.

"They broke up" harry said casually. Hermione looked really upset about this.

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"They decided they are two young for love" harry said shrugging.

"They look so out of place and awkward around each other... It hurts to watch" Hermione said frowning. Harry shrugged.
"Katie, meet me in that class room we always meet at" Jake said and then he walked away from her and towards where the class room is.

"You don't seem very happy Jake" a voice said. Jake turned around and saw it was Draco Malfoy.

"What do you want Draco?" Jake asked. Draco smirked.

"You're not happy being friends with her, are you?" Draco asked. Jake shrugged and looked at the ground. "The good thing about knowing you since you were seven is that I most of the time know what's wrong with you"

"What do you mean?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow. Draco smirked.

"You're not as good as hiding your emotions as your father" Draco said with a smirk planted on his face.

"look Draco, I don't have time for this" Jake said walking past Draco but was stopped.

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that... It's just a habit. I know you want to get back with Katie but you can't" Draco said sympathetically. Jake was surprised.

"I do want her back... But I know being friends with her is fine" Jake said simply. Draco shook his head.

"no Jake you need to show her what she's missing" Draco said.

"What do you know? You're a second year" Jake said raising an eyebrow. Draco chuckled.

"You think my father hasn't taught me a few things?" Draco asked. Jake looked at him with a glare.

"Your fathers a twat" Jake said pushing past Draco and walking to the class room that him and Katie always practice in. Jake was actually really angry that when he got to the class room he pointed his wand at a chair and yelled "Reducto" Jake watched as the chair went into tiny pieces.

"Something bothering you" Jake turned around to see that it was Katie who asked. Jakes face softened and he sat onto a desk.

"No" Jake said plainly. Katie knew something was wrong but she decided to let it go.

"Why are we here?" Katie asked. Jake stood up and paced.

"We need to be good at transfiguration to become an animangus, well we don't need to be but its a good advantage" Jake said. Jake then turned away from Katie. He honestly didn't want to look at her.

"BLOODY HELL JAKE! What's wrong with you" Katie said. Jake didn't turned towards her, he said nothing. "Jake..."

"You have no idea..." Jake said calmly. He then turned to face her. "I can't even deal with being around you knowing that you broke my heart" Jake said with tears in his eyes.

"But we shouldn't know what love is" Katie said looking Jake in the eye. Deep down she knew that she loved him she was too afraid to be in love with him.

"Well I bloody hell do" Jake said walking to he and kissing her. Without thinking Katie kissed back. She then pushed him away.

"No... I'm sorry" Katie said running out of the classroom with tears in her eyes. Jake clenched his fists and walked to a window and punched it. The class broke and cut his hand.

"Ow crap!" Jake screamed in pain. Katie came running back into the classroom to see what was wrong. She had tears running down her face still. "Piss off" Jake said coldly getting up and walking out. He went straight to the hospital wing.

"Here I can fix that easily with magic" madam Promfry said. Jake shook his head.

"No I don't want it fixed with magic" Jake said. Madam promfry nodded and cleaned his cut and wrapped a bandage around it. The truth is, the reason why Jake didn't want it fixed is he wanted Katie to see what she puts him through.


"You need to stop this Jake!" Severus said strictly looking at his sons hand. "Move on" severus said.

"Has it ever crossed your mind that I can't" Jake muttered sadly.

"Let me write to her mother then" Severus said. Jake shook his head.

"No, you'll make things worse" Jake said walking out of his fathers office. He thought about what Draco had said to him and he decided maybe he will take his advice. Jake walked to the Gryffindor common room confidently. He walked up to his fellow Gryffindor who was in the same year as him, her name was Fay Dunbar. "Hi Fay..." Jake said all of a sudden he was really nervous. Fay turned to him.

"Oh hi Jake" Fay said with a small smile.

"Uh hi, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me to Hogsmade next weekend?" Jake asked scratching the back of his head. Fay smiled.

"Yeah sure" Fay said smiling. She kissed Jake on the cheek and walked off with her friends. Jake turned around to see a jealous Katie standing by the portrait. She glared at Jake and then walked out.

"What are you doing Jake?" James asked. Jake was caught by surprise. He looked at his step father.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked. James walked towards Jake.

"You realise that making her jealous won't help, you're just hurting her" James said. The sound of footsteps came from behind James.

"JAMES! Don't interfere with his relationships" the women said. Jake realised it was his mother. Jake ran up to her and hugged her.

"Mum..." Jake said hugging his mother tightly. Lily hugged back and smiled at him.

"Jake... James isn't suppose to interfere, don't listen to him" Lily said. James crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh come on, this isn't going to change the future" James said stubbornly.

"Yes it will James, the slightest change in the present could change the future"

Jake woke up breathing heavily. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He looked in the mirror and stared at his face questionably, he looked like his mother with the kind face and the green eyes. Year he had the same shape mouth and head as his father. His long black hair was getting to long so Jake took out his wand and pointed it at his hair and he muttered a spell that his father had taught him. His hair was short on the sides and long at the top now, Jake always was the best at cutting his own hair. Jake then walked down from the dormitories to the common room and he sat in front of the fire.

"That was close" Ron Weasley's voice said, then after he said that was a shh. Jake looked around to see no one. Then he realised his brother had an invisibility cloak.

"Harry, take you cloak off its just me" Jake said. Harry did as he was told and Ron and Harry sat next to Jake. They were covered in dirt and leaves. "What happened to you two?" Jake asked raising and eye brow.

"Long story... Word of advice... DONT FOLLOW THE SPIDERS" Ron said in whisper yell.

"Oh shut up Ron" harry said looking at Ron and then at his brother."We went to talk to Hagrid and then the minister of magic came to his hut with Dumbledore and Lucius Malfoy" harry continued. He looked at Jake searching for a reaction. When he didn't get one he continued. "They arrested Hagrid and Dumbledore, Hagrid said follow the spiders before walking out and that's what we did"

"We almost got bloody killed" Ron said quietly.

"Wait... Why would they take Dumbledore?" Jake asked, Ron and harry shrugged.

"It was Lucius Malfoy's decision" harry said.

"Of course it was" Jake said rolling his eyes.

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