In Trouble

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Jake walked to the fire place ignoring anything that was said to him. He then realised he had no flo powder to get back. "Bloody great" Jake muttered walking out of the portrait door.
Severus apparated from Diagon alley to spinners end as soon as he had finished his shopping. He walked into his house and hid the presents in his room. He then walked to jakes room and opened the door to see harry pacing up and down the room. "What's wrong with you?" Severus asked. Harry looked startled at his presents and his eyes widened. Severus looked around and noticed Jake wasn't in the room. "Harry where is Jake?" Severus asked in a demanding voice.

"Ah" Harry said but nothing else came out. Severus looked over to Jakes bed as saw a letter laying there. Severus walked over to it quickly before harry could stop him and he read it.

"Come with me" Severus growled. He grabbed harry by his arm and took him down stairs to the fire place.

"I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen to me" Harry said as they walked down the stairs.

"You should have contacted me straight away after he left" Severus spat. Harry shock his head.

"He's my brother, I don't want him to get in trouble" Harry muttered. Severus rolled his eyes and gave harry some flo powder.

"Say professor Snape's office and drop it" Severus growled at the innocent boy. Harry nodded and stepped into the fire place.

"Professor Snape's Office" Harry said and then he dropped the flo Powder. After Harry went Severus stood into the fire place.

"Professor Snape's Office" he said before dropping the flo powder. Once he got to the office he dragged harry out into the corridor. "what fireplace did he go to?" severus asked harshly. Harry gulped and looked at his potions professor.

"Gryffindor Common Room" harry said quietly.

"when did he use the flo network?" severus asked.

"about half an hour ago" harry said quietly.

"speak up boy, nobody likes a mumbler" severus said grabbing onto harry's shirt and walking down the hall.

"sorry professor but i can walk on my own" harry said confidently. severus let go of harrys shirt with a look that could kill and continued walking.


Jake walked down the hall towards the dungeons where his fathers office is, he would take the flo network from there to spinners end. As he went to turn the corner he saw Draco Malfoy standing against the wall. "what are you doing here snape?" draco asked looking jake up and down. "you dont look very happy" draco spat moving towards Jake.

"come on Malfoy for once in your life can you not be a complete ass?" jake growled at him angrily. malfoy walked around jake looking at him. He chuckled.

"you are so much like your father" draco said. "gets angry easily, although i do not feel it's me your'e angry at" Draco said with a chuckle. "so what is it jake?"

"like you care" jake spat, he went to walk off put draco grabbed his arm.

"i do care, i was your friend once you know" draco said finally caving in and being nice to his old friend. Jake turned to face him and he searched his face questionably. After about thirty seconds he decided that Draco was telling the truth.

"im not sure if i should tell you" jake said.

"we can do the unbreakable v..." draco started to say. Jake put his hand up to stop him from talking and he shook his head.

"no way..." jake said "ill just tell you" jake said looking at the ground. "you know Katie Bell?" jake asked. draco smirked slightly.

"you mean your girlfriend?" draco asked. jake nodded.

"she broke up with me because her parents never liked my father in school. Apparently he use to do bad stuff with his 'Slytherin Friends', also she said that she had to break up with me anyway because we are too young for love" Jake said not even realising that he said to draco that he loved katie. Draco looked at jake raising an eye brow.

"you love her... your thirteen" draco said. Jake nodded.

"thats exactly why she broke up with me because she thinks we are too young to know if we are really inlove" jake said sadly but he tried not to show it.

"hey jake, lets just forget that we ever stopped being friends" draco said. jake thought about it for a moment and decided that he didnt want any enemies.

"yeah okay draco, just like old times ay?" jake asked. draco nodded.

"oh how lovely a conersation you two are having here but Draco if you dont mind Jake needs to come with me" jake turned around slowly to see his father standing there with harry looking at the ground. Jake smiled nervously at his father.

"uh... of course professor" draco said knowing that jake was in trouble.


once they got back to spinners end severus said to harry "could you leave us alone for a minute harry, you're not in trouble" severus said calmly. harry nodded and ran up the stairs quickly before severus could change his mind. Severus looked at his son angrily and pinched the skin above his nose. "why would you be so careless to go to hogwarts when you knew that harry couldnt be left by himself?" Severus asked as calmly as he could.

"i didnt think..." jake said quietly. Severus got abit angrier at this.

"You dont think do you!" severus said harshly making jake flinch. "what was so important that your girlfriend had to tell you anyway?" severus asked once again harshly. Jake made his hands into fists, this wasnt going to turn out well.

"OH WELL FATHER... SHE BROKE UP WITH ME" Jake yelled as tears came to his eyes. "IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU TOO" Jake said as tears poured down his face.

"What do you mean it is because of me?" Severus asked calming himself.

"her parents were at school when you were and they said that you and your friends did bad things, they dont want Katie around a kid that would do that... im not like you though" Jake said calmly, Severus sighed.

"no you're defiantly not"

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