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Jake lay in his bed at spinners end, he was fast asleep. He was having a great dream actually but then it turned bad.

'Mum, I missed you, where's James?' Jake asked Lily looked at him and smiled lightly.

'James went to see harry' Lily said putting her hand on her sons cheek and smiling at him. 'You've grown so much' Lily said smiling. She removed her hand from his cheek.

'You look the same as I remember you' Jake said smiling. His mother was back. Then Jake heard an evil laughter.

'You thought I was gone' the voice said chuckling evily. Lily grabbed Jake and put him behind her.

'Don't move' She whispered holding Jake behind her.

'You can't save him like your other pathetic son' said the voice, Jake didn't understand, he couldn't see the person who was making the voice.

'What do you want Jake for?' Lily asked frightened. She still held Jake behind her back.

'He's the brother of Harry Potter, his father is probably the best death eater I've ever had' the voice said, Jake then knew then that it was voldemort. Jake then got out of his mothers grip.

'MY FATHERS NOT A FOLLOWER OF YOU, YOU BASTARD" Jake shouted, Lily went to grab for Jake.

"AVADA KADAVRA" voldemort yelled, Lily fell to the ground. Jake went to her side. He looked towards to where the spell had come to.


"No but it makes me more powerful Jake Severus Snape. You will join me or suffer death" Voldemorts cold voice said.

"I'd rather die!" Jake yelled, Voldemorts laughter filled Jake's ears. BANG!

Jake woke up suddenly, it had been just a dream, he was sweating badly. Then he saw a house elf standing in the middle of the room. Jakes eyes widened. "What? Who are you?" Jake said taken by surprise.

"I've come here to warn you Jake Snape, your brother will be in great danger if he comes to school this year" the house elf said.

"First can you tell me your name?" Jake asked.

"I'm sorry sir, it's Dobby" the house elf said and gave Jake a bow.

"How is my brother in danger?" Jake asked. The house elfs eyes widened and he banged his head on the wall, Jake jumped out of his bed quick. "Dobby stop!" Jake whisper yelled. "My fathers in the room next to me, you can't wake him up"

"Bad Dobby" Dobby said hitting himself in the head. Jake grabbed Dobby's hands to stop him. "I'm sorry sir, i almost told my masters secret. All I can say is that there will be danger at Hogwarts this year" Dobby said, Jake understood.

"You need to tell Harry this, there is no way I'll be able to stop him from going to school" Jake said, Dobby nodded and clicked his fingers and disappeared. Jake thought to himself 'I'm doing the right thing of telling Dobby to go tell harry' Jake lay down back in his bed, he couldn't sleep now after the dream he had and Dobby coming to his room, so he just lay there awake all night thinking about what danger there could possibly be at hogwarts.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now